How can I make real friends in this page?
31 de may. de 2010 20:04
Respuestas · 7
Look through the profiles and send a friend invitation first to several people. Then, try to have a chat some of them. I have done this many times; sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. I have found several chat partners to exchange language with this way, as well as one person that I feel I could truly call a friend. I wish you the best!!!
31 de mayo de 2010
the same way u make them IRL
3 de junio de 2010
Yes, I think Sonia is right. The best way to earn friends is to respect their cultures and thoughts. :D Have a nice day!
2 de junio de 2010
the same way you make them in your daily life.
1 de junio de 2010
You simply can't.
1 de junio de 2010
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