Daniel a lyon
In Spanish, are there any rules for the pronunciation of letter " v " in the spanish words? Thank you !
1 de jun. de 2010 2:36
Respuestas · 10
The Spanish "b" (be larga) and "v" (be corta) are pronounced exactly alike. These letters have two separate sounds, hard and soft. At the beginning of a word and after "m" or "n", the hard Spanish "b/v" closely resembles the "b" in the word "boy," except that the lips are held tense. In other situations, the "b/v" is pronounced like an English "b" in which the lips are not allowed to touch. (This is a sound that does not exist in English.) - Taken from http://www.studyspanish.com/pronunciation/letter_bv.htm
1 de junio de 2010
"v" es lo mismo que "b" Vaso Barro es igual suerte sigue esforzandote
1 de junio de 2010
hi..!! the pronunciation of the letter "v" is the same as the "b" xD
1 de junio de 2010
The Spanish "b" (be larga) and "v" (be corta) are pronounced exactly alike
1 de junio de 2010
At the beginning of a word and after "m" or "n", b/v is an occlusive because the lips are closed, stopping completely the air, and then allow it to follow. In other situations the b/v is a fricative. The lips are never completely closed.
1 de junio de 2010
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