teach me basic words of arabic pllllzz
3 de jun. de 2010 13:24
Respuestas · 3
salam ,i don't know what is words u need but this is website can help u and if u need any thing u can ask me :)
3 de junio de 2010
مرحبا- marhaban- hi أهلا وسهلا- ahlan wa sahlan- you welcome. كيف حالك- kifa haloka- how are you? أنا بخير - ana bikhair- I am well شكرا- shokran - Thank you. عفوا- Af one- not at all. الى أين ذاهب- ela ayna thaheb- where are you going? أنا ذاهب للمدرسة-ana thahebon ela al madrasah ..I am going to school. كم عمرك - km omoroka - how old are you? ثلاثون سنة - Thalathon sana- thirty years old . ما اسمك -ma esmoka - what is your name? اسمي سامي- esmee sami- my name is Sami. من أين أنت-men ayna anta, where do you come from? أنا من الهند- ana mena al hend- I am from India. I think that is essential asked questions in Arabic Language.
3 de junio de 2010
Hi I am ready to help you just till me the words you want and I will give you its meaning I`ll also learn you the basic gramar of arabic language just till me whatever you want my e mail is [email protected]
3 de junio de 2010
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