Does reading out loud help you? How? Some teachers think that reading out loud isn't helpful because you aren't thinking about the meaning of the text when you read out loud; you're thinking more about pronunciation. Does reading help you with pronunciation? Understanding?
3 de jun. de 2010 22:24
Respuestas · 8
reading aloud it helped me a lot with the pronunciation and to gain more confidence while reading as well.
3 de junio de 2010
My professor told us that reading is silent by nature but, in the class, we resort to aloud reading to check students' pronunciation and see who of them has dyslexia. In fact if they are unable to read or confuse some letters like (d-b)or words like (saw-was) they won't understand well. hey i sometimes use shared reading to encourage my students and help them have some confidence in themselves, they really like this way.
4 de junio de 2010
It helps you practice your speaking skill and see how well you are doing.
4 de junio de 2010
Hi... Yes it is very important for the student to read out loud to build confidence and practice.
4 de junio de 2010
You are hearing yourself, monitoring your progress in speech and practicing speaking at the same time.
4 de junio de 2010
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