what is the meaning of CNY? As i know,BTW means by the way..Do you know CNY?Is there any other condense pharase,would you mind list some of them?First,i want to say thank you very much.
14 de jun. de 2010 5:11
Respuestas · 7
Chinese Yuan Chinese New Year Christopher Newport University
14 de junio de 2010
人民币 CNY=China Yuan
16 de junio de 2010
"CNY" may have many meanings. But the most well known meaning should be "Chinese Yuan", a term widely seen in the field of banking and currency. As far as I know, it is a custom to use three letters to represent a kind of currency. For example, "USD" for US dollars, "GBP" for Great Britain Pound, "JPY" for Japanese Yen, etc. The first two letters may refer to a particular country or area while the last letter is short for the denomination.
16 de junio de 2010
As I know, CNY is short form for "Chinese New Year".
14 de junio de 2010
I recognise it as Chinese New Year... though it is the abbreviation for the Yuan. My Malaysian/Singapore friends use CNY freely, but my friends in western countries don't use (or recognise) it so much. You could always do a search for acronyms to find more. Here's a well-known dialogue which is going around the internet now: A: What does IDK stand for? B: I Don't Know. A: Well, does anyone know?!
14 de junio de 2010
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