How can one master a language from scratch?
14 de jun. de 2010 10:10
Respuestas · 2
Hi, it's important to have a teacher when you start.
16 de junio de 2010
There have been several cases of people who got a brain injury, and suddenly they were able to speak a foreign language. They have been rare but enough to create a medical term for it. The doctors in Germany learn it in their studies. To give you an example: one woman I have heard of spoke suddenly an old dialect of Aramaic. If you go to a well-assorted library, you can get more information on this topic in medical literature. Also some religious books report about such cases as a "proof" (as the authors see it) of the existence of reincarnation. Disclaimer: Do NOT get your brain damaged now to check it out, pleeeease!!! Regards, Tommy
14 de junio de 2010
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