what's the different between unless and except ?
18 de jun. de 2010 6:19
Respuestas · 2
- except (except for) = apart from 'We work every day except Sunday.' 'Everyone was there except (for)/apart from Tom, who was ill.' - unless = except if = if ... not 'You can't go in unless you are a member.' = 'You can't go in except if you are a member.' = 'You can't go in if you are not a member.' = 'You can go in only if you are a member.'
18 de junio de 2010
uless refers to 1.If not, except when "shall not have effect unless they have been approved" while exept refers to. 1.Take exception to 2.Prevent from being included or considered or accepted cowboy...
18 de junio de 2010
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