Please, could you translate ‘polygon’, ‘star’, ‘more’, and ‘difficult’ into Sanskrit Please, could you help me translate the words ‘polygon’, ‘star’, ‘more’, and ‘difficult’ into Sanskrit (Devanagari and Latin form)? Actually, I would like to write a title of my paper ‘Sri Yantra and More Difficult Star Polygons’. Thank you for your time and wish to help!
19 de jun. de 2010 9:53
Respuestas · 2
[I am using the HK transliteration scheme] trikoNam (neuter) = triangle so we can have by analogy: polygon = bahukoNam or bahubhujam star = nakSatra more is not in your case translated verbatim as it is occurring as a comparative. difficult = guru and more difficult = garIyAn (masculine stem form) and garIyas (neuter stem). We need the neuter form since bahukoNam is neuter. so you have garIyAMsi bahukoNAni zrI yantram atha garIyAMsi bahukoNAni or a more pleasant sounding rearrangement of the same phrase: zrI yantram atha bahukoNAni garIyAMsi
27 de abril de 2012
Polygon = Sahasrabhuji; Poly = Sahasra (actually means thousand, or many. you can use "Aneka" also. Star = nakshathra more = anaeka difficult = kashtam
13 de abril de 2011
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