what is the difference what is the difference between -flee -break out -run away
20 de jun. de 2010 9:19
Respuestas · 2
I will write the answers for you and choose what is the difference. Verb: flee ------ Synonyms: fly, take flight. 1.To run away. Noun: breakout ------Synonyms: break away, goal break, jailbreak. 1. An escape from jail. Verb: break out 1.Begin suddenly and sometimes violently. 2.Move away or escape suddenly. Noun:runaway ------ Synonyms:breakaway, fugitive, walkaway. 1.Someone who flees from an uncongenial situation. Verb:run away 1.Escape or flee. 2.Escape from the control of. Adjective:runaway 1.Completely out of control.
20 de junio de 2010
"To flee" and "To run away" are the same thing. Synonyms of each other. "To break out" means something more like "To escape"
20 de junio de 2010
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