Does Television Play a Positive or Negative Role in the Modern Society ? Give examples please.
21 de jun. de 2010 13:58
Respuestas · 5
Hi it depends on how much Tv adults watch and whether parents regulate children's TV viewing habits. Some of TV's positive sides are: · helps people to learn about other cultures · gives family members of all ages an opportunity to spend time together while watching it · parents can use TV to get kids reading by getting books on the same subjects · parents and children can talk about TV programs · educational programs can teach children new things, and even help them make new friends · news, current events and historical programs can help kids find out more about other cultures and people · documentaries can create a picture of the world in kids' minds · cultural programs can show children the world of music and art
21 de junio de 2010
It depends... If it is used to reflect society so we would notice our faults and aspire for a change, so in this case it plays a great role for society.. On the other hand, it is sometimes used to convey a specific opinion to the people, and usually one can't question opinions convyed by media, in this case it is double-bladed because sometimes it conveys wrong ideas or images about something/ someone else... Sorry, I can't give examples because what I'm recalling now are culturally-bound ones.
21 de junio de 2010
Neutral. Values does not come from television, but from our parents. These values guide us on what and how to use television, games or web, for bad or for the good. There are no negative points to people with strong values, because they just ignore or do not absolve anything that sounds wrong or stupid and even tendentious. I have been learning many things thought the television, web and even games. Of course, there are many nonsense things too, especially here, in Brazil, but I just do not get involved with them. My values still the same. We need to make ourselves strong enough to filter what is healthful and not from everything that we get involved with, like TV, WEB, Games, Comics...etc, How come UK ‘s BBC or Brazilian TV Cultura, HBO, History, Discovery, Natgeo and a lot of YouTube educational videos can be bad? If someone sees something stupid on television and repeats it, it is because this person has a problem and needs professional help. Parents must take care of their children until they are cable to judge what is good or not, at last, TV is not a babysitter. Sorry for any English mistakes, if there is any problems please let me know.
21 de junio de 2010
I don't see television because it is very stupid in Italy
21 de junio de 2010
unfortunately , i think television negative effects are much more than its positive effects , most of the shows now are just for entertainment , and to get viewers in any way , even if this "any way" means to display scenes that is immoral , or to display scenes that contain a lot of violence . the second thing is who controls the media? , or who owns the network? the network owner decides the message of channel or the network , even if this message is misleading or just lies.
21 de junio de 2010
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