Life was boring, how to relax?
23 de jun. de 2010 7:48
Respuestas · 8
hello how are you my friend
23 de junio de 2010
Take up a hobby like reading or drawing or some sport. This will keep you busy. Life is not boring if you keep yourself busy with something.
23 de junio de 2010
love can easily make you forget the past troubles.
23 de junio de 2010
Life is not boring, actually we don't know how to enjoy :) . . . i 'll suggest try to think good :) enjoyable, relaxed, and try to go for interesting things or things which make u laugh and fun :)
26 de junio de 2010
If life is boring then you can help others. If you need to relax, simple exercise like walking will help you.
25 de junio de 2010
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