How to say 'I'm sorry to hear that.' in Chinese? When a friend tells you some bad news they had, or when they are upset about something. How would you say. I'm sorry to hear that. or That's really, sad/bad/terrible, I'm sorry.' In Chinese? Please tell me any other things you say to comfort people when they tell you bad news etc in china.
30 de jul. de 2010 16:54
Respuestas · 10
I'm sorry to hear that.——听到这事我很难过。 Everything will be fine.——一切都会好的。 I'm sure it'll work out. ——别担心,总会有办法的。 I know how you feel.——我理解你的心情。 Take it easy! ——别那么想不开。 There's no need to worry about it. ——不必为那事烦恼。 It's not your fault.——这不是你的错。
30 de julio de 2010
HAHA 中学英文教材里有这个 老师经常问这句话的英文怎么说今天外国朋!今天外国朋友又问汉语怎么说!哈哈好玩
2 de agosto de 2010
2 de agosto de 2010
听到这个,很难过。 if his mom or dad died,you say“节哀顺变”。
1 de agosto de 2010
听到这个不幸的消息,我感到很难过。 In fact,most Chinese people hope you can give them some useful suggestions when they tell you some bad news.If you don't know how to do it,keeping silence is OK.
1 de agosto de 2010
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