What is the difference between bathroom and toilet?
31 de ene. de 2011 17:12
Respuestas · 8
The bathroom is a place where there is a bath or a shower, a washbasin and often a toilet. The toilet is a large bowl with a seat, connected to a water pipe, that you use when you need to get rid of waste material from your body.
31 de enero de 2011
"Bathroom" and "toilet" can be used the same way. However, "toilet" can also mean the device that you use *in* the bathroom (el váter) "Restroom" is probably the most polite word for the room. "Bathroom" and "toilet" are about equal. Some English speakers also call it a "water closet", a "WC", or a "loo".
31 de enero de 2011
They are different. A bathroom contains a bath (and/or shower) whilst a toilet does not. The toilet just contains a toilet (and a sink). I actually use none of these though. I use the word "loo" for toilet, and I only use the word "bathroom" for the one which contains a bath (how can it be called a "bathroom" when there's no bath in it?). To confuse matters, I often go to the loo in my bathroom! In British English the bathroom can only be found in the home. Otherwise it's a toilet or a loo. Everyone uses different words for all these things though. There is no black and white answer. I think the word "restroom" is ridiculous.
31 de enero de 2011
Bathroom is the original english word, and Toilet is a word taken from french, but is also used in english language.
31 de enero de 2011
In American English the most common word is "bathroom" especially when it's in a private place (like a home). "Restroom" is the word for public spaces like restaurants and office buildings. "Toilet" is the the thing that you go in/on and flush. In less than modest language (e.g. "working-class" language) a person might call the bathroom a toilet.
1 de febrero de 2011
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