What is your motto in life?
2 de abr. de 2011 8:33
Respuestas · 7
Make plans as it is the first day of your life, live as it is the last day of it. (take a nap once in a while). In case you know some trick that would make you stick to your own life motto, I would really appreciate you telling me. Thank you in advance.
2 de abril de 2011
May be Imagine that you are Napoleon :))
7 de abril de 2011
I certainly agree with Mary, once you have excluded all impossible things.
6 de abril de 2011
I agree with you, R.S., as you know, it was not 100 % true also for N.P.
3 de abril de 2011
@this motto is possible only for the great napoleon bonaparte!
3 de abril de 2011
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