´Hobbies bring people together.´ Do you think this is true?
21 de abr. de 2011 9:54
Respuestas · 8
not necessarily.
22 de abril de 2011
I agree with Naomi. Hobbies could be the only thing you have in common with someone ,in that case it wouldn't necessarily bring you together or be a reason for you to get along. However many times hobbies could be the starting point to get socially acquainted with people or to have something to chat about in small talks.
24 de abril de 2011
Yes I agree because people like to have something in common to talk about when they first met each other.
21 de abril de 2011
Absolutely. :)
21 de abril de 2011
But why do you think it?
21 de abril de 2011
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