Does anyone know how to say these in Thai? Hi there, can anybody tell me how to say these sentences in Thai by a very casual way? I'm not looking for literally translation. It's just some imformal conversation among friends. Many thanks. 1. Why are you so quiet? 2. Say something 3.How come
23 de abr. de 2011 13:23
Respuestas · 3
1. tum mai kun ngieb jung leay 2. pood arai noi si 3. tum mai (why)
4 de julio de 2011
Thai is spoken in several ways. Not fixed.
30 de abril de 2011
I am not sure do you want the answer like this; how to spek in THai. 1. tum mai ngeab pai la. 2. pud arai pang si. 3. ma dai yang rai ni.
25 de abril de 2011
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