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Elige entre nuestros profesores de alemán especializados en clases de conversación.

351 profesores

Elige un profesor de alemán con experiencia, reserva clases de alemán online y domina el alemán en poco tiempo.

Aprende Alemán con el profesor Rayane Bachammar.

2,833 clases

Rayane Bachammar

id verified
Profesor profesional
SPEAKS :Alemán

Boost Your Speaking Confidence! You will get more confidence in speaking You will always receive positive feedback and feedback to improve. You will be trained to be aware of cultural related communication forms. I speak French, Spanish and English fluently and I can communicate in these languages with you. I studied French and Spanish philology and Sociology at the Universities of Bonn and Berlin. I am also a qualified "Teaching German as a Foreign Language" teacher from University of Munich and Goethe Institute. This qualification involved an in-depth study of various teaching methods and a rigorous hands-on practical training at Goethe Institute Göttingen.

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USD 15.00/prueba
Aprende Alemán con el profesor Marcus Fritzsche.

4,544 clases

Marcus Fritzsche

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Profesor profesional
SPEAKS :Alemán

New language, new life ... I can help you to start your new life 🇩🇪💪😉 If you' re also tired of grammar rules and pointless textbooks. Then you've come to the right place. I hated languages in school. And I always thought it was because of the languages. Until I went abroad and suddenly I started to love languages. And that's what inspired me to completely reconsider the method of language learning. Si también estás cansado de las reglas gramaticales y los libros sin sentido. Entonces has venido al sitio adecuado. Yo odiaba los idiomas en la escuela. Y siempre pensé que era por los idiomas. Hasta que me fui al extranjero y de repente empecé a amar los idiomas. Y eso fue lo que me inspiró a reconsiderar completamente el método de aprendizaje de idiomas.

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USD 10.00/prueba
Disponible a las 09:00 en 3 días
Aprende Alemán con el profesor Max Zornow.

203 clases

Max Zornow

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Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Alemán

Erfahrener Sport-und Englischlehramt-Student und Personal Trainer Durch meine Erfahrungen im bisherigen Lehramtsstudium und meine 1-jährige Sportlehrer-Tätigkeit in Kapstadt an der American International School (AISCT), weiß ich sowohl mit einer Person, als auch mit bis zu 50 gut umzugehen und freue mich jedes Mal neue, aufgeweckte Menschen kennenzulernen.

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USD 8.00/prueba
Aprende Alemán con el profesor Lavinia.

4,520 clases


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Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Alemán

Unlock the grammar and bring out the beauty! Sono un´insegnante a mia volta curiosa, perché amo approfondire le sfumature, le radici di una parola e l´aspetto sia musicale che semantico di una lingua. Ich bin selbst eine neugierige Sprachliebhaberin, denn ich genieße, die Nuancen, die Wurzeln eines Wortes, und die sowohl musikalische als auch semantische Hinsicht einer Sprache zu vertiefen. I am a dedicated teacher and a curious language lover myself, who enjoy to delve into the nuances, the roots of a word and both the musical and the semantic aspect of a language.

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USD 9.00/prueba
Disponible a las 06:00 en 3 días
Aprende Alemán con el profesor Sophie Vidalia.

2,163 clases

Sophie Vidalia

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Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Alemán
Alemán (Austria)

ABC I was working as a german and alphabetization teacher in Austria during 3 years, wih people of different origins, education,, adolecents and grown ups, slow- and quicklearners. So in general I m very used to different kinds of students and can easily adapt. I prefer SKYPE over italkieclassroom, or maybe other app if you explain me early enough how it works! If you dont come to a lesson without prior message and it wasnt an emergency (black out, hospital.. etc.) please understand that you still will have to pay the class. If you wanna book for your kid, please write me before booking, to know if I can help you with your learning needs.

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USD 10.00/prueba
Aprende Alemán con el profesor Lotti Ebertz.

4,083 clases

Lotti Ebertz

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Profesor profesional
SPEAKS :Alemán

Certified German teacher, adventurous world traveller and great conversationalist! I have been teaching learners in groups and one-on-one for more than 10 years in different settings. I started teaching online in February 2020. No matter if you are just after some casual conversation or if you are preparing for a C1-exam, I will make sure that you achieve your goals and improve your language skills. I’m a patient and encouraging teacher. I will go over grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation with you as many times as you need and correct you when necessary so that you can improve quickly.

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USD 18.00/prueba
Aprende Alemán con el profesor ⭐️Nir Feldman⭐️.

2,867 clases

⭐️Nir Feldman⭐️

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Profesor profesional
SPEAKS :Alemán

⭐My lessons are⭐ ➡️practical and fun ➡️ I work hard to give your Hebrew,English and German the boost you need. ➡️focusing on a range of different speaking skills and helping you to boost your confidence as an Hebrew or German speaker!

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USD 29.50/hora
Disponible a las 11:00 Mañana
Aprende Alemán con el profesor Lea K..

8,015 clases

Lea K.

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Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Alemán

As your tutor I will help you: 1. to feel comfortable in everyday conversations in English or in German. 2. to maintain motivation and to enjoy the process of acquiring a new language. 3. to become "your own best teacher" so you can make the most of learning on your own. I see value in a lot of different methods of language learning. However, the best method is useless if you lose motivation halfway, and even with a less efficient method you can be successful in learning a language if you have fun doing it. That is why I am convinced that maintaining passion and motivation should be on top of our priority list.

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USD 16.00/prueba
Aprende Alemán con el profesor VerenaZ.

2,926 clases


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Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Alemán

Ich helfe dir gerne, Deutsch zu lernen :-) I can help you to feel safe so that you can ealily start talking without being afraid to make mistakes. As I used to live in the Philippines I am aware about different cultures and can adapt to you and help you to understand the German culture.

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USD 10.00/prueba
Disponible a las 11:00 en 3 días
Aprende Alemán con el profesor Christoph.

1,915 clases


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Profesor profesional
SPEAKS :Alemán

Native German teacher specialized in business German and test preparation. ✔ Feedback and homework assignment after every lesson. ✔ I'll correct your homework before the next lesson. ✔ You can listen to my Podcast to prepare for the next lesson. Listening to my Podcast will also help you to improve your listening comprehension. ✔ You'll get a list with mistakes you made during the lesson. ✔ You'll get vocabulary lists (with pronunciation examples) to make learning most efficient . ✔ You'll get corrected while you speak but you will also learn to get aware of your own mistakes. ✔ A very important part of the lessons is to get your pronunciation right so that native German speakers will understand you better.

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USD 12.00/prueba
Aprende Alemán con el profesor Hannes Schumacher.

473 clases

Hannes Schumacher

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Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Alemán

Tutor in German literature, philosophy and art As a teacher I apt for mutual respect, always trying to foster my students' skills instead of being too insistent on their weaknesses. Depending on the respective level of my students, I give them different - often more creative - tasks in order for them to become familiar with difficult demands such as German grammar in a more playful way.

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USD 30.00/prueba
Disponible a las 09:30 Mañana
Aprende Alemán con el profesor Niko Boddin.

854 clases

Niko Boddin

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Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Alemán

I CARE ABOUT YOUR PROGRESS - PROFESSIONAL, FUN, ENGAGING & COMPLETE LESSONS! Having learned a few languages myself, I know how important it is to keep lessons engaging and practical. That's why I try to do as many interactive exercises and drills as possible while keeping the grammar stuff to a minimum, where possible. But the truth is, you will have to learn some grammar when learning German, there's no way around it. But I promise I'll make sure to make the grammar parts as fun and engaging as possible. Plus I provide all the teaching material and exercise sheets, so you won't have to worry about getting books or anything like that.

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USD 11.99/prueba
Disponible a las 10:00 en 3 días
Aprende Alemán con el profesor Maria.

323 clases


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Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Alemán

Я дипломированный преподаватель иностранных языков. В 2009 закончила педагогический университет по специальности "Учитель иностранного языка". После окончания ВУЗа уехала в Германию, жила и училась там 2 года, затем вернулась в Россию и с тех пор преподаю Немецкий язык, начинаю преподавать русский как иностранный

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USD 15.00/prueba
Disponible a las 16:30 Mañana
Aprende Alemán con el profesor Deutsch mit Philipp.

470 clases

Deutsch mit Philipp

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Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Alemán

Lerne sicher und frei Deutsch zu sprechen - In entspannter Atmosphäre mit Ex Googler For me, every student is special and I prepare every lesson based on your individual needs and goals. I also want to make my lessons fun and I put a lot of work into my students confidence to speak. Because in my experience, if you really want to learn a new language, you have to speak it as much as possible! üben üben üben :)

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USD 12.00/prueba
Aprende Alemán con el profesor Tamara.

1,422 clases


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Profesor profesional
SPEAKS :Alemán

TEFL-certified teacher | specialised in editing and conversation classes |5+ years of teaching Through my TEFL-training and four years of teaching online, I've learnt how best to explain my native languages’ idiosyncrasies, how to adapt to different needs and personalities, and how to support my students. The latter is especially important to me: as my student, you can always expect a friendly smile, a patient demeanour, and lots of encouragement! As a lover of poetry and literature, I also hope to impart an appreciation for the beauty of my native languages. Therefore, for fellow enthusiasts, I am always happy to integrate literature of all kinds into my lessons, be it through discussion, translation, or simply joint reading.

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USD 12.00/prueba
Disponible a las 09:30 Mañana
Aprende Alemán con el profesor Tuyet Chinh Pham Thi.

1,239 clases

Tuyet Chinh Pham Thi

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Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Alemán

I want to improve people’s language skills and take their fear of learning a new language. Learning a new language is not difficult. It is practice and courage. Most important about learning a new language is speaking. I focus a lot on correct pronunciation and talking like local people. Important : Currently, I am only accepting students who already know how to speak basic German.

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USD 12.00/prueba
Aprende Alemán con el profesor Oliver Vu.

1,237 clases

Oliver Vu

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Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Alemán

Mir wurde in meiner Schulzeit oft gesagt dass ich eine sehr ruhige und präzise Art und Weise des Erklärens habe, deshalb habe ich mich auch entschieden dem Unterrichten auf Italki eine Chance zu geben. Als Lehrer versuche ich jeden Fehler beim sprechen rauszuhören und immer auch gleich Korrekturen mitzugeben. I was often told during my school days that I have a very precise and calm way of explaining, which is why I decided to give teaching on Italki a try. I focus as a teacher to always pick out every mistake during speaking and to always give corrections. I am also comfortable enough to give corrections, or answers in English.

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USD 5.00/prueba
Disponible a las 11:00 Mañana
Aprende Alemán con el profesor Nam Vu.

3,246 clases

Nam Vu

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Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Alemán

Ich habe Menschen Deutsch von Grund auf beigebracht und Studenten für Prüfungen vorbereitet. Außerdem möchten viele Schüler sich auf das Sprechen konzentrieren, da es oft in der Schule oder in der Uni vernachlässigt wird. Wir haben Konversationen über allgemeine Themen wie Urlaub, Sport oder Politik. Wichtig ist, dass man viel übt und konstant spricht. Dabei verbessern wir die Aussprache und Grammatik. Die Arbeit mit den Schülern macht mir sehr viel spaß, da man Leute aus der ganzen Welt kennenlernt und ich sehr interessiert an verschiedenen Kulturen bin. Ich bin froh, wenn ich Menschen helfen und ihnen meine Muttersprache etwas näherbringen kann.

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USD 10.00/prueba
Disponible a las 11:00 Mañana
Aprende Alemán con el profesor Deutsch mit Esther.

2,910 clases

Deutsch mit Esther

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Profesor profesional
SPEAKS :Alemán

17 years of experience & hundreds of successful students - individual & Business German - all levels Teaching & coaching, providing information, practice opportunities, support and advice on methods you can use to study efficiently and effectively. I became a certified language teacher in 2007. I started off as a teacher for English and German in Argentina, teaching general and business language at language institutes, private schools, in-company and to individual students. After returning to Germany I continued in this field and also got a degree in Educational Science, which included subjects of education, individual development, psychology and sociology with a focus on extension studies and lifelong learning.

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USD 40.00/hora
Aprende Alemán con el profesor Dirk.

232 clases


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Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Alemán

Primary Teacher with more than 4 years of experience I am fun and hope the classes with you will be the same ^^ There are so many good ways to teach a language, you will see.

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USD 5.00/prueba
Disponible a las 09:30 Mañana
El pago final se realizará en USD

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Mejora tu fluidez de conversación en alemán con italki. Nuestra plataforma ofrece una gran selección de tutores/as de alemán experimentados que se especializan en la conversación y pueden ayudarte a mejorar tus habilidades rápidamente. Puedes buscar fácilmente tutores/as según su experiencia, estilo de enseñanza y reseñas de estudiantes. Además, con opciones de horario flexibles, puedes aprender en momentos que funcionen para ti . italki también tiene una comunidad en la que puedes practicar tu alemán con otros estudiantes de idiomas y participar en discusiones sobre los temas que te interesen en alemán

Elige italki para practicar conversación en alemán porque nuestra plataforma ofrece una amplia variedad de tutores/as de alemán experimentados, opciones de horario flexibles y la mejor relación calidad-precio. Puedes programar clases 1-to-1 con nativos alemanes, desde y cuando quieras. Ya seas principiante o estudiante avanzado, nuestros tutores/as pueden ayudarte a mejorar tu fluidez en alemán y alcanzar tus objetivos de idioma.

El costo de las lecciones de alemán en italki varía según el profesor y su nivel de experiencia. Con nuestros sencillos filtros de búsqueda, puedes encontrar un tutor con quién hablar en alemán que se adapte a tu presupuesto y necesidades de aprendizaje.

La frecuencia de tus lecciones de alemán en italki depende de tu horario y disponibilidad. Algunos estudiantes prefieren tomar clases una vez por semana, mientras que otros toman varias clases por semana. Nuestra plataforma ofrece opciones de horario flexibles para que puedas encontrar un horario de clase que funcione para ti y te permita progresar de manera constante.

En italki, tenemos un proceso de verificación para nuestros profesores riguroso para cada idioma, y puedes encontrar profesores certificados en nuestra plataforma. Sin embargo, no todos los profesores tienen una cualificación formal. Para asegurarte de encontrar el profesor adecuado para ti, lee su perfil y las reseñas de estudiantes anteriores para asegurarte de que tengan la experiencia y las calificaciones necesarias que estás buscando.

¡Reserva ahora tu primera clase de prueba para llegar a hablar como un nativo!

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