Elige entre nuestros profesores de japonés especializados en clases de conversación.
Elige entre nuestros experimentados profesores de japonés online y empieza a aprender japonés como tú quieras.
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Mana Shinozaki
Experienced certified Japanese teacher/Profesora de japonés certificada y con experiencia I studied at university to be a professional japanese teacher . I love teaching a lot,and I totally understand your feelings when you learn new languages, because I learn English and Spanish overseas. All my students are happy with me because I’m well prepared for classes and they can feel their japanese is improved !!!Please think of me as I am your new Japanese friend:) *Basically,there is no refund for same day cancelation. Thank you very much for understanding.
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Kana Kobayashi
🏅 Top 1% of Japanese instructor in2022 🌸 Licensed Kindergarten Teacher 私のレッスンはどんな方でも大歓迎です。 My lesson is for all people who want to learn Japanese. オンライン日本語講師としては、2歳の子どもから70歳のご年配の方まで老若女男問わず幅広いジャンルでのレッスンを行ってきました。生徒さんのレベルは初級から上級の方まで様々です。 As a online Japanese teacher, I have had lessons with students who is from 2 years old kid to 70 years old man. Students Japanese level is from beginner to advanced. 子ども向けのレッスンは、カードや絵本を使ったり、ゲームをして楽しく日本語に触れます。 For kids, I use cards, picture book and game during a lesson. So kids can enjoy it.
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I am qualified in Japanese and has 9years' experience in business, kids and exam preparation.😊 💁🏻♀️My Career💁🏻♀️ 2010-2015 Telecommunications equipment company(HR) 2015-2017 Japanese language school 2017-2019 vocational school 2019- online school 2021- italki In my lessons, you can study elementary Japanese conversation, JLPT and even business conversation.So, if you want to speak Japanese a lot, study in Japan or work in Japan, let’s study together.It’s possible to make a plan that suits your purpose. But the most important thing is to enjoy the Japanese language. Smile a lot, move your mouth a lot, make a lot of mistakes, and learn. Your Japanese will definitely grow.
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Koichi Sembu
I was born, and live in Japan. I have been teaching Japanese for 10 years, during which I taught over 20,000 lessons. I have taught via Skype people living all over the world, ranging from children to adults, students and professionals.
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🌏Japanese teacher who travels around the world 🇯🇵世界(せかい)を旅(たび)する日本語教師 (にほんごきょうし) In the all my lessons, I will ask you about your interests and the skills you particularly want to practice, and arrange the lessons accordingly And I try to create an atmosphere that is fun and easy to talk to:) As a traveler, I know what you should to learn for your travel. I will help you learning Japanese! わたしの レッスンでは、あなたの興味(きょうみ)や 特(とく)に 練習(れんしゅう)したいポイントを聞(き)いて レッスンを計画(けいかく)します。 楽(たの)しく、話(はな)しやすい 雰囲気(ふんいき)づくりを 意識(いしき)しています。 わたしも旅行(りょこう)しているので、あなたに なにが必要(ひつよう)か よく知っています。 わたしが あなたの勉強(べんきょう)を お手伝(てつだ)い します😊
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Megumi Na
🌸一緒にがんばろうよ! Top of 1% teacher in 2022. I am always excited to meet new students here :) I have been using italki since May 2021 and have been ranked in the top 1% of Japanese teachers in 2022! For the past 5 years, I have been teaching Japanese, English, and essay writing to Japanese students up to the age of 18 as a professional. Now I am still continuing it. Learning Japanese can be difficult at first, but I will help you every step of the way so that you can use this wonderful language with confidence. I always strive to provide satisfying and effective lessons. Let's start learning Japanese with Megumi! Today, I reached 2,500 lessons on italki! (August 8, 2024) Thank you for everyone!!
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I am a professional in Japanese language education and have more than 19 years of experience. I majored in Japanese language education at my university. After graduating from the university, I have been teaching Japanese for 3 years in China and over 15 years in Japan. I love teaching Japanese. I can teach conversation, composition, kanji, test preparation, business Japanese, pronunciation, anything. Now I mainly teach online. I also have a YouTube channel "日本語まきちゃんねる". I try to make it easy for you to understand and enjoy learning in class. 私は大学で日本語教育学を専攻しました。 大学を卒業してから、中国で3年間、日本では15年以上ずっと日本語を教えています。 私は日本語を教えるのが大好きです。 会話、作文、漢字、試験対策、ビジネス日本語、発音、何でも教えることができます。 今はオンラインでマンツーマンレッスンをしています。YouTube「日本語まきちゃんねる」で日本語学習に関する動画も公開しています。 授業ではわかりやすく、そして楽しく学べるように心がけています。
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✨ "Special Speaking Lesson" が好評です!教科書日本語から卒業して自然な日本語を身につけましょう!✨ まずは、あなたの目標(もくひょう)を教えてください。目標(もくひょう)に向かって(むかって)一緒(いっしょ)に勉強(べんきょう)していきましょう! 💡初中級者のための文法・自然な会話・就職面接対策・ビジネス日本語・BJT試験対策を教えます 💡みなさんの目標に向かって一緒にゴールを目指します 💡会話を大切にします 💡日本企業で面接官の経験あり 💡新入社員研修経験あり First of all, please tell me your goal. Let's study together toward your goal! 💡I teach grammar, natural conversations, job interviews, and business Japanese,BJT for intermediate learners. 💡Together, we will work towards your goals. 💡I value conversations. 💡I have experience as an interviewer in Japanese companies. 💡I have experience in training new employees.
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10年以上の経験!あなたをゴールに導くプロの日本語教師 2007年~プロの日本語教師👩🏫 私は「目標達成」を重視しているので、皆さんの目標を確認して、そこに到達するためにカリキュラムを組み、レッスンをしていきます。 というと厳しく聞こえるかもしれませんが、実際のレッスンはリラックスして、楽しく行います😁 日本語が本当に上手になりたいなら、プロの日本語教師に任せましょう。 1週間に1度、日本語だけで話す時間を持ちましょう。 私があなたの日本語を必ず上達させます🫡 【경험】 2007년~프로 일본어 교사👩🏫 🚩초급부터 상급까지 【메시지】 💭 저는 '목표 달성'을 중시하고 있으므로, 여러분의 목표를 확인하고 거기에 도달하기 위해 커리큘럼을 짜고 레슨을 합니다. 어쩌면 엄격하게 들릴지도 모르지만 실제 수업은 편안하고 즐겁습니다 😁 일본어를 정말 잘하고 싶다면 전문 일본어 교사에게 맡기십시오. 1주일에 1번, 일본어만으로 말하는 시간을 가져 갑시다. 당신의 일본어를 반드시 향상시킵니다 🫡
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97's Born in Mie 2018 Walt Disney cast member🐭🏰 2021 Resort hotel staff 2024 Health care coach I’m focus on you having fun learning Japanese the most💓 Ask me as many questions as you want!
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日常会話(にちじょうかいわ)を楽(たの)しみましょう! I am a qualified teacher in Japanese language for foreigners. I also served as a volunteer teacher to teach Japanese when I was a University student. After I graduated from University, I had worked at a local bank in Japan for18 years. So, I can help you with business Japanese and polite expressions as well. I am also a qualified teaching for Junior high school. I have taught English in public Junior high school for six months. Teaching is my passion and it is my dream to share my knowledge to other. 大学で日本語教師の資格を取得しました。学生時代は日本語をボランティアで教えていました。大学卒業後は、地元の金融機関に勤めていましたので、敬語やビジネスマナーを教えることができます。また、中学校・高校の教師の免許を取得し日本の中学校に半年教師として勤務した経験もあります。私は言語を教えることや知っていることを分かち合うことが好きです。
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✨NEW STUDENTS WELCOME✨ Certified Japanese Teacher for Beginner and Business Levels I'm a certified Japanese teacher (passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test) with over 10 years of experience. I have taught: - Japanese language school (日本語学校) in Japan - Junior high schools in Japan (with teaching certificates for junior and senior high schools in Japan) - Online as a freelance In addition to teaching, I work as a talent acquisition consultant. With experience in both recruitment and teaching Japanese, I am uniquely positioned to bridge these gaps. I offer guidance on training business Japanese, preparing for interviews, reviewing resumes, and navigating communication and business manners with Japanese colleagues and clients.
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Yuta K
アニメ、マンガ、りょこうのはなしをしましょう! にちじょうかいわをおしえることがとくいです。 アニメやマンガをつかったがくしゅうや、にほんをりょこうするときにつかうフレーズをおしえます。
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日本語は読めるけど、話すのが苦手な方、日本人に何度も聞き返されて辛い思いをしたことがある方、面接やプレゼンの練習をしたい方、敬語やビジネス会話を覚えたい方、文章の添削をしてほしい方、お待ちしています。 私はビジネスをリタイヤした後、何をしようかと考えていたとき、まず思い浮かんだことは、外国語を学んで海外の人たちと交流をするということでした。しかし、逆に、私が日本語を教えることによって、多くの外国の方が日本語を理解し、日本が好きになってくれることのほうが、私のためにも、日本語を学ぶ皆さんのためにも有意義だと考えて、日本語教師になりました。 When I was thinking about what I would do after retiring from business, the first thing that came to mind was to learn a foreign language and interact with people from other countries. However, I thought that it would be more meaningful for me and for people learning Japanese if I could help many foreigners understand the Japanese language and come to love Japan by teaching it to them.
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I currently not accepting any more students as a moment…I will accept more students in December:) I’m qualified to teach Japanese and currently working in Japanese language school as a teacher. I want everyone to have lots of fun during my lessons !
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Masa@incredibly kind
I specialize in conversation practice! I also provide Youtube videos of Japanese conversation. Outside of lesson time, I'll introduce you to videos and materials for self-study. A lot of self-study is necessary for beginners who have just started to be able to speak quickly. I'll encourage you and help you while you study on your own! Let's make the lesson time a time to use what you've memorized! If there's something you don't understand, I'll explain it to you. Above all, what I value most in lessons is enjoying conversation. When you speak in your native language, do you make more jokes? Even though it's a lesson, let's talk casually in Japanese just like when you speak in your native language. Casual conversation is also welcome, not just the polite "desu, masu" style!
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まさひろ Masahiro
JEES certified teacher with 38 years' business experience. 日本語教育能力検定試験は2020年に合格、日本語教師養成講座を2021年に修了しました。日本語を教える事は勿論、日本のビジネスマナーや、文化についても教える事ができます。ビジネスの場面でも対応できる、知的で正しい日本語を身につけましょう。 I passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test in 2020 and completed the Japanese Language Teacher Training Course in 2021. As I have more than 30 years’ experience in business, I can help you learning not only Japanese language but also business etiquette and culture. Let us learn high-level and workplace Japanese that can be used even in the business scene. <Attention> Cancellation & Refund Policy If a student is more than 15 minutes late without any notification, the lesson will be regarded as a no-show and fee will not be refunded.
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小川幸宣 "Yukinobu"
日本語能力試験JLPTのN1,N2,N3に合格できるレッスンです。 日本語中級から上級レベルの文法と会話のレッスンです。 楽しく学べるレッスンです。 希望があれば、京都出身の私が日本観光案内をします。 小川Ogawa🌟線上教學經驗豐富🏅語言學校老師🏫 中、小學教學主任📚 上課有趣+容易理解👍🏻✨ Zoomを使ってオンラインでアジアの人達に日本語を使って日本語を教えています。特に留学生や日本におられる社会人の方々、技能実習生や特定技能生にも日本語と日本の文化を教えてきました。職場の会話や大学の論文用の日本語も教えています。JLPTのN3、N2、N1の試験対策もおこなっています。すべて日本語で教えています。
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🐷 Animal lover 🤡 Fun 😇 Patient 💬 Talkative 🧚♀️ Storyteller
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Miki Inoue
English ok! Let's talk with a real samurai teacher. I am a qualified teacher who has experience. In college, I majored in education and studied second language acquisition. (Bachelor of Education) And, I have a lot of experience teaching Japanese to many international students since I was a university student. Many of the students I have taught have passed the JLPT. Also, after graduating from college, I worked for three years as an English teacher at a Japanese junior high school. I am currently teaching Japanese to people in Europe and Asia. 大学では教育学を専攻し、第二言語習得について学びました。(教育学士)そして、大学生のころから、多くの留学生に日本語を教えるなど、たくさんの経験があります。教えた学生の中には、JLPTに合格した学生も数多くいます。また、大学を卒業した後、私は日本の中学校で英語の先生として三年間働いていました。現在はヨーロッパやアジアの方に日本語を教える仕事をしています。