Miki, profesor/a de Japonés


Profesor profesional
Chino (mandarín)
De JapónVive en Hirakata, Japón (10:59 UTC+09:00)
Acerca de mí
Profesor de italki desde 27 de Sep de 2022
Tema de interésViajesHistoriaAnimación y cómicsComida
みなさん こんにちは わたしは みきです。 🌸大阪(おおさか)に 住(す)んでいます。 🌸京都(きょうと)の日本語学校(にほんごがっこう)で 働(はたら)いています。 🌸2022年からオンラインで日本語を 教えています。 🌸大学時代(だいがくじだい)、フィリピンに 1年 交換留学(こうかんりゅうがく)しました。 🌸ボランティアで アフリカのブルキナファソに 行きました。 🌸フランス語を 勉強(べんきょう)して いました。 🌸日本のアニメや漫画(まんが)が 好(す)きです。 Hi everyone! 🌸I’m native Japanese living in Osaka with 3 children. 🌸I'm now working for Japanese Language School in Kyoto. 🌸I started to teach online since 2022. 🌸I like Japanese history, culture and animation. My favorite is Attack On Titan and Damon Slayer. 🌸I have studied French and Chinese so I understand how learning foreign language is like
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Japonés clases

Clase de prueba
31 clases completadas
USD 5.00+
Hiragana & Katakana reading
A1 -  A2


38 clases completadas
USD 15.00+
Paquete con 10% de descuento
Minnano Nihongo(みんなのにほんご) L1~L50
A1 -  A2


360 clases completadas
USD 11.00+
Paquete con 9% de descuento
Japanese for business(conversation practice)
B1 -  B2

Práctica de conversación

29 clases completadas
USD 10.00+
Paquete con 4% de descuento
JLPT test preparation (N3 & N4)
B1 -  B2

Preparación de exámenes

37 clases completadas
USD 12.00+
Paquete con 22% de descuento
Free talk in Japanese
B1 -  C1

Práctica de conversación

42 clases completadas
USD 10.00
JLPT preparation (N2)
B2 -  C1

Preparación de exámenes

4 clases completadas
USD 10.00


Según tu zona horaria (UTC+00:00)

45 opiniones

Estudiante Mark
7 clases de Japonés
Selección del profesor
I recently had the pleasure of taking my first online Japanese tutoring lesson with Miki Sensei, and it was an exceptional experience. She demonstrated friendly and welcoming enviroment yet a high level of professionalism throughout the session as she guided me through the material with patience and expertise. She used a original, and engaging materials to reinforce learning, making the lesson both enjoyable and effective. Moreover, her passion for the language was palpable, inspiring me to delve deeper into my studies. I highly recommend this tutor to anyone looking to learn Japanese in a supportive and dynamic online environment.
17 de mar. de 2024
Estudiante Adam
32 clases de Japonés
Selección del profesor
Miki-san has been a great teacher. I started taking lessons with her in January with the goal of finishing the second book of Minna no Nihongo (which I had started the week before) and I was able to finish the book on October 1st! Miki-san has an amazing set powerpoint slides that she clearly has put a considerable amount of work into and is very encouraging.
3 de oct. de 2023
Estudiante Erin Roberts
Erin Roberts
3 clases de Japonés
ミキ先生のレッスンが分かりやすくて楽しいです!例文作ったり、説明したりしてくれてとても良かったです!When I tried to use a grammar point I was unfamiliar with, she helped me use it correctly. Also, she then asked questions where I could answer using the same grammar point. It was an amazing lesson, and I will book with her again.
24 de jul. de 2024
Estudiante Andrea
1 clase de Japonés
I loved the class Miki, she is a very kind person and I really liked her way of teaching.
10 de jul. de 2024
Estudiante Diana
8 clases de Japonés
17 de jun. de 2024
Estudiante Nadeeya
6 clases de Japonés
I had a really good lesson. She is calm and thoughtful and adjusts the lesson to your level. She patiently explains difficult concepts (especially for me a beginner!). I’m looking forward to continuing my lessons!!
3 de jun. de 2024
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