Loisel, profesor/a de Inglés


Profesor profesional
Certified CELTA/ESL/TEFL teacher with 10 years of experience
De CanadáVive en Toronto, Canadá (21:43 UTC-04:00)
Acerca de mí
Profesor de italki desde 16 de Jul de 2020
Tema de interésEscrituraPelículasSalud
Hi! My name is Loisel and I am 35 years old. I live in Toronto with my husband and my son. I was born in the Philippines and lived in Hong Kong for 4 years when I was a teenager. Reading, singing, and playing board games are some of my favourite activities. I'm also quite outdoorsy so I'm into camping, hiking and generally just being out and about in nature.
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Inglés clases

Clase de prueba
55 clases completadas
USD 15.00+
A2 -  C2


446 clases completadas
USD 30.00+
Paquete con 6% de descuento
COMPOSITION (Writing/ Text editing)
B1 -  C2


16 clases completadas
USD 12.00+
FLUENCY TRAINING (Conversation, Pronunciation, Common expressions)
B2 -  C2


130 clases completadas
USD 22.00+
Paquete con 9% de descuento
IELTS Training
B2 -  C2

Preparación de exámenes

0 clases completadas
USD 50.00
Paquete con 5% de descuento


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68 opiniones

Estudiante Melodia
91 clases de Inglés
Selección del profesor
I have had nearly 30 classes with Loisel since I started my English-learning on italki…. AND I intended to keep booking her courses as she is one of the BEST teachers that I have met. One thing that Loisel differs from other teachers is that she would design a systematic and tailor-made learning plan for her students. She would correct my mistakes and write down all the key points during our conversation, instead of just chatting and letting me make the same mistake over and over again. She is a lovely and sophisticated teacher who cares about her students. I seldom write reviews but I‘m happy to have the chance to write this one, because I hope more people will know that it's fun to take Loisel's class so it's definitely worth it! You don’t wanna miss it~
9 de jun. de 2021
Estudiante Dan
51 clases de Inglés
Selección del profesor
Yesterday I had a meeting with my colleague. And he said that my English had been improved significantly since our first meeting that we had several month. It is a result of Loisel’s lessons. Thanks!
28 de may. de 2021
Estudiante Véronique
48 clases de Inglés
Selección del profesor
Loisel is an excellent teacher. She explains extremely well. I’ve been taking English lessons from her for about 7 months (28 so far). The lessons are very lively and Loisel has always tried to talk about topics that inspire me. Sometimes I make grammatical or pronunciation mistakes even though she has already explained to me several times how to avoid them, she explains them again each time with great patience and kindness. I’ve also learned many collocations, idioms, etc... And above all, she tells me when I express myself in a way that doesn't seem natural for a native speaker, and then gives me one or more examples to express my sentence in a more natural way.
22 de abr. de 2021
Estudiante Yeanjeong
8 clases de Inglés
She got my funny English and she improved my English correctly. That was very helpful for me. Thank you.
15 de feb. de 2024
Estudiante Mia
1 clase de Inglés
我只能说我预定错的课程。老师对雅思的了解甚少。直接让我Part1一个问题说了4-5分钟。 她不知道Part1部分一般有3-4个话题,每个话题下面又包括3-4个小问题。一共Part1 部分就是9-12个问题。所以,我只能说是我预定错了课程吧。哈哈。挺尴尬的一次课。
17 de oct. de 2023
Estudiante Shima
2 clases de Inglés
Very nice first lesson! I look forward to the next session. Wonderful to increase vocabularies through conversations.
10 de sep. de 2022
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