Cherry Novalia
Tuteur communautaire
Indonesia people like to shorten the phrase when we talk, the shorter it is, the easier it is for us to speak. "Terimakasih" means thank you, "makasih" is the shorter version. "Tidak" means no, can you guess the shorter version of it? Feel free to share in the comment below! . 印尼人很喜欢把词汇缩短,词汇越短就越好说。"Terimakasih" 就是【谢谢】, "makasih" 是词汇缩短的版本. "Tidak" 就是【不】,你试着猜一猜这词的缩短版本,随意在底下留言吧!
【数字1-10】ANGKA [NUMBER]
27 mars 2023 03:27