I’m not sure if I can consider a hobby what I’m about to tell you, maybe it’s more a passion than a hobby, in any case: my favourite hobby/passion is choir singing! Since I was a child I’ve always loved singing, but I never studied music and it never crossed my mind to find a way to practice this passion... anytime I had the possibility (give me a Karaoke and I’m the happiest person on the earth) I would simply jump into the opportunity and sing with joy and commitment! When I was 20, an opportunity showed up and I took it! I started singing in a male voice choir: it was the first time and I immediately fell in love! The harmony between basses, baritones and tenors won me over. In that period I started to regret not having studied music in the past, regret that sometimes I still feel. Thirteen years ago I started, and nowadays I’m still singing in a choir (a different one), and I’m sure, more than ever, that the human voice is the best instrument you could ever listen to. Speaking of which, I have a dream: one day I hope to hear with my own ears the Stellenbosch University Choir, they’re amazing and without a doubt my favourite choir! Please correct both the grammar and the style of writing! Thanks
2021年2月24日 20:47
訂正 · 5
I’m not sure if I consider this a hobby (maybe it’s more of a passion than a hobby), but my favourite hobby/passion is choir singing! Since I was a child I’ve always loved singing, but I never studied music and it never crossed my mind to find a way to practice this passion... Anytime that I've had the opportunity (give me a Karaoke and I’m the happiest person on the earth) I would simply jump in and sing with joy and commitment! When I was 20, an opportunity showed up and I took it! I started singing in a male voice choir: it was the first time and I immediately fell in love! The harmony between basses, baritones and tenors won me over. In that period I started to regret not having studied music in the past, a regret that I still feel sometimes. I started thirteen years ago, and nowadays I’m still singing in a choir (a different one), and I’m sure, more than ever, that the human voice is the best instrument you could ever listen to. Speaking of which, I have a dream: one day I hope to hear with my own ears the Stellenbosch University Choir, they’re amazing and without a doubt my favourite choir! Please correct both the grammar and the style of writing! Thanks
Really really good, almost no real grammatical faults but I've adjusted the style a bit to sound more like a native speaker, if that's your goal. (I still enjoyed it regardless and felt bad making corrections to your work!) Hope you get to live your dream and hear the Stellenbosch University Choir one day! 🙂👏
I’m not sure if I can consider it a hobby what I’m about to tell you, maybe it’s more a passion than a hobby, in any case: my favourite hobby/passion is choir singing! Since I was a child I’ve always loved singing, but I never studied music and it never crossed my mind to find a way to practice this passion... anytime I had the chance (give me a Karaoke and I’m the happiest person in the world) I would simply jump into the opportunity and sing with joy and commitment! When I was 20, an opportunity showed up and I took it! I started singing in a male voice choir: it was the first time and I immediately fell in love! The harmony between basses, baritones and tenors won me over. In that period I started to regret not having studied music in the past, regret that sometimes I still feel. Thirteen years ago I started, and nowadays I’m still singing in a choir (a different one), and I’m sure, more than ever, that the human voice is the best instrument you could ever listen to. Speaking of which, I have a dream: one day I hope to hear with my own ears the Stellenbosch University Choir, they’re amazing and without a doubt my favourite choir! Please correct both the grammar and the style of writing! Thanks
Wow, your English is great! You speak very naturally with lots of colloquial sayings. Nice!