Khristina / Христина
Hi everyone! Did your celebration of the holidays go well? Or maybe you’re around Chinese New Year now and holidays are waiting for you? In any case, I hope your year is starting «ЛАМПОВО» 💡. (Slang to say warm and cozy, nice and sweet like a childhood memory of a favorite toy). «Ламповый» is a “safe” slang word because it has been used for more than 10 years now and moved to commercials and the daily lives of all kinds of people, as well as directed towards things and people. But before learning slang, always ask yourself if you use it often in your native tongue. If it is so, just look at the closest expressions in the language being learned. If you’re not at ease with slang but still learning it, you have every chance to be “a cool dad” like Phil from Modern family ⬇. Well, there is no guarantee to the same extent funny, but still memorable. Always study the vocabulary that you’re really using. Time to check the grammar. 🧐
... год 📅
26 人が回答
2023年1月18日 20:56
Khristina / Христина
中国語 (普通話), 英語, フランス語, ドイツ語, イタリア語, 日本語, ポルトガル語, ロシア語, スペイン語
中国語 (普通話), フランス語, ドイツ語, イタリア語, 日本語, ポルトガル語, スペイン語