Юлия Степанова
전문 강사
Davis aided, including financially, Franklin Roosevelt, who was his neighbour and with whom he often played golf. On the ceiling in the entrance hall hangs a rock crystal chandelier which once belonged to Louis XVI. In this room you see the bridal diadem which belonged to the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.
 It was hard for Joseph Davis to look at the friends of his acquaintances who now sat in the dock. Davis hoped the defendants could read the sorrow in his eyes that he had felt when he looked at the defendants. Look at the magnificent gold communion cup that Catherine II ordered from the goldsmith Iver Buch in 1791. Marjorie Post bought the treasures for the future museum of which she had dreamed. 
 Marjorie Post bought treasures for her people, to whom she bequeathed her entire collection at the end of her life.
2021년 10월 29일 오전 7:09