Florian K.
전문 강사
What weird food combinations do you enjoy?

       I try to experiment with the food I eat, this is especially true when I was a kid. I remember that I would combine rice, milk, and sugar together and that is my breakfast. I heard some people combine orange juice and ketchup. I personally think it is gross but hey people have weird food choices. I have probably seen and eaten some peculiar flavors of pizza, I tasted shrimp pizza, adobo pizza, cookies, and cream pizza. I have seen people experiment with hamburgers too.  The list can go on and on.

What about you?

What weird food combinations do you enjoy?

2019년 5월 28일 오후 12:34
댓글 · 19
here in brazil is really common we eating avocado with sugar, milk powder and a little of lemon juice (
just a few drops) IT'S AMAZING!!
2019년 5월 28일
Chocolate and peanut butter.  I’m thinking about marketing it under the name “Reese’s”
2019년 5월 28일
I mix banana, oat-flakes, linseed, milk and honey together to make a tasty smoothie. It is not weird, I just wanted to share the receipt of this fascinating beverage.
2019년 5월 28일

Rye bread, cream cheese and an Apple together. 

2019년 5월 28일

I do enjoy weird combinations that became tradition in some countries, so I'm not sure if it counts:

Schnitzel with cranberry jam 

Speck with melon

Селедка под шубой (a Russian salad with fish, mayonese, beetroots and other boiled vegetables. It tastes better as it sounds :D) 

2019년 5월 28일
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