커뮤니티 튜터
The Phrasal Verb "Drop By" And How It Is Used in American English (with Russian Examples)

The Phrasal Verb "Drop By" And How It Is Used in American English



to visit briefly




This phrase verb can be used to mean: to briefly visit


1. someone but you use this in conjunction with the word "house", "work", etc.


   For instance:


      a: to drop by my brother's house = to drop by my brother's

      b: to drop by my brother's work


   You can't say "to drop by my brother".


2. a place like a particular store or the office you work at.


   For instance:


      a. to drop by the office

      b. to drop by the YMCA

      c. to drop by the campsite

      d. to drop by the hotel

      e. to drop by the pool


3. an event like a birthday party


     For instance:


        a. to drop by her birthday party

        b. to drop by his mother's retirement party

        c. to drop by the concert

        d. to drop by the baseball game between the Boston Red Sox and the New York Mets

        e. to drop by the bachelor party

        f. to drop by the wedding fair at the Four Seasons

        g. to drop by the book fair on campus

        h. to drop by the Star Trek convention


Russian Translations:

заглядывать к / в (imperfective)
заглянуть к / в (perfective)



1. Let's drop by his house.
= Давай заглянем к нему домой.


2. I dropped by his house.
= Я заглянул к нему домой.


3. I drop by his house every day.
= Я каждый день заглядываю к нему домой.


4. After work, I want to drop by his house.
= После работы я хочу заглядывать к нему домой.


5. I dropped by the bookstore and bought a book.

= Я заглянул в книжный и купил книгу.


Anyhow, I haven't been studying Russian for long so if you see something that needs to be corrected, please leave it as a comment on this thread. Also, if you know the translation for this phrasal verb in another language, please leave that here as well so others can learn from it. Much appreciated. :)

2014년 7월 2일 오후 5:24
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네덜란드어, 영어, 프랑스어, 게일어(아일랜드어), 이탈리아어, 일본어, 기타, 스페인어
학습 언어
네덜란드어, 영어, 프랑스어, 게일어(아일랜드어), 이탈리아어, 일본어, 기타, 스페인어