커뮤니티 튜터
Dutch: Word Order Are these translations correct? Is the Dutch word order of each correct too? 1. I hear him every day. = Ik hore hem elke dag. 2. I heard her yesterday. = Ik heb haar gisteren gehoord. 3. I will hear them tomorrow. = Ik hore ze morgen.
2015년 7월 17일 오전 1:33
답변 · 2
1. The sentence order is correct, but the verb should be conjugated as "hoor". Since you have one vowel in the root followed by a consonant, it gets doubled in the root for the singular. 2. This sentence is correct. 3. Same issue as in sentence one. Additionally, "ze" should be replaced by "hen" since it's not the subject of the sentence; compare with "they" and "them".
2015년 7월 17일
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