커뮤니티 튜터
Croatian: More "I don't know..." sentences I tried to pull together the last question's answers.. Are these correct? Ne znam da li joj je dao šešir. =I don't know whether he gave her the hat. Ne znam kada joj je dao šešir. =I don't know when he gave her the hat. Ne znam gdje joj je dao šešir. =I don't know where he gave her the hat. Ne znam kako joj je dao šešir. =I don't know how he gave her the hat. Ne znam zašto joj je dao šešir. =I don't know why he gave her the hat. How do I change the sentence to "I don't know when Steven gave her the book." Does the word order change or do you just place Steven between kada and joj?
2015년 9월 19일 오후 7:47
답변 · 2
Ne znam kada joj je Steven dao šešir. The word order changes because this enclitic JOJ JE should follow the first accented word in the clause, which in this case is kada, or zašto or kako... like in all sentences above.
2015년 9월 20일
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