Robson Leonel Branco
If I'm too old for doing something.. What can I also say ? I want something related to "phase". I've moved beyond that phase...???? I've already passed this phase??
2 mei 2024 13:25
Antwoorden · 7
Hey Robson, you could say, "I've grown out of that." For example, someone asks you, "Do you still go to concerts regularly?" You could answer, "I used to when I was a university student, but I've grown out of that."
2 mei 2024 14:42
Hi Robson, you can go with "I've outgrown that moment of my life". There's some nuance to it thought. If you outgrow someone or something, you are saying you can't relate to that situation or person anymore because you've become more mature.
2 mei 2024 14:57
"Out of that phase" is the only one I can think of apart from "I have passed that phase in my life" which you already have.
2 mei 2024 14:19
I would use ‘phase’ to refer to a period of my life where I did a particular thing. I would use the word ‘stage’ if you are talking about something related to aging in general. I went through a phase when/where I read two books per week. The phase of my life when/where I focused on making as much money as possible came to an end when my dad died. I’m at the stage of my life where I run purely for fun. It’s been decades since I cared about my PRs. At this stage of life,
9 mei 2024 04:30
I used to drive every day to work and drive home in the evening. Every single day, back and forth. How could I have done that? Pinch me, please, I must be dreaming. I can hardly believe that I actually lived such a life. Surely, that was another person and someone has planted false memories into my brain using some modern technology!
6 mei 2024 00:07
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