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Vind de beste online leraar Italiaans

Leer Italiaans vanuit huis en volg online lessen met onze gekwalificeerde Italiaanse leraren.

Learn Italiaans with the teacher Francesca R. Patrizi.

2,879 lessen

Francesca R. Patrizi

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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Certified Italian teacher with over 20 years experience Sono un’insegnante di italiano da oltre venti anni: ho cominciato ad insegnare online in Giappone e a Roma insegno in scuole, università, compagnie e online. Ora ho una scuola mia e sono anche formatrice per insegnanti che vogliono specializzarsi nell’insegnamento online. Prenota una lezione di prova e unisciti alla mia comunità! I have been a teacher of Italian for foreigners for more than twenty years: I started teaching online in Japan and in Roma I teach in schools, universities, companies and online. Now I have my own school and I am also a trainer for teachers who want to specialize in teaching online. Book a trial class and join my community!

USD 12.00/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Cosimo.

10.4k lessen


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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Italiaans
Chinees (Mandarijn)

🐷 Animal lover 🤡 Fun 😇 Patient 💬 Talkative 🧚‍♀️ Storyteller

USD 18.00/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Roberto.

2,985 lessen


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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Insegnante di italiano certificato con più di 10 anni di esperienza. Sono un insegnante appassionato e sempre alla ricerca di materiali stimolanti per gli studenti. Mi piace utilizzare video e audio nelle mie lezioni, oltre a tante letture e a tantissima conversazione sulla cultura italiana. I am a passionate teacher and always looking for stimulating materials for students. I like to use video and audio in my lessons, as well as a lot of reading and conversation about Italian culture.

USD 9.00/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Beatrice.

1,744 lessen


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SPEAKS :Italiaans

I don't do lessons, I have thoughtless conversations. Come have a chat! With more than a year of experience on Italki and previous years on other platforms, I'm a teacher whose first aim is to reach the student by communicating with them, using their favourite learning method. Flexibility is one of my biggest qualities, so I like to get creative with the student, to succeed their goals. I like to keep the conversation fun and enjoyable, and I absolutely love when people find interesting things to talk about ( I don't like the questioning type of lesson). I have some rules: -I'm human so I understand last-minute issues. Anyway, I will have to get some apologies and explanations if there's no notification prior the lesson. -Be polite and respectful.

USD 6.50/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Rossella.

8,575 lessen


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SPEAKS :Italiaans

Native Italian speaker, also fluent in English with 10 years of tutoring experience Hello everyone, my name is Rossella, I'm Italian, I've been an Italki tutor for a few years and I absolutely love it! I am really happy to help people from all over the world, improve or learn Italian. I love to share everything I know about my country (the good and the bad! :D) and I like that so many students want to learn Italian, not just because they have to but because they want to and they like Italian culture. If you have questions you can write me a message via Italki and I'll reply asap! :)

USD 5.00/proefles
Beschikbaar 13:30 Morgen
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Marco.

4,232 lessen


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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Italiaans

CEDILS certified teacher of Italian for foreign students with more than 4000 hours of lessons With over a decade of experience, I've fine-tuned my teaching approach, crafting a personalized method that identifies each student's Italian language weaknesses. Together, we establish a tailored program, ensuring consistency and accountability in your learning journey. Every lesson is meticulously designed to meet yr specific needs, incorporating targeted exercises and content. I'm providing a wealth of engaging exercises to keep you motivated: I leverage a diverse set of resources, including textbooks, videos, original texts authored by me, online content, and games. Having taught in private schools both internationally and within the Italian public school system, I've honed my skills

USD 5.00/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Marco.

5,624 lessen


id verified
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Il mio metodo d'insegnamento è basato soprattutto sulla conversazione. Parleremo fin dalla prima lezione per farti sentire a tuo agio con la lingua. Parlando l'italiano fin dall'inizio riuscirai ad apprendere più rapidamente ed in modo più divertente. Lezioni personalizzate sulla base delle tue esigenze e del tempo che hai a disposizione. Su richiesta è possibile anche organizzare lezioni su temi specifici (ad esempio business, hobby, scienza,economia,arte). Altri metodi che utilizzo: - Giochi di ruolo -> migliora il tuo italiano parlato - Descrizione immagini -> fondamentale per espandere il tuo vocabolario - Disussione + correzione --> impara a esprimerti e alla fine ricevi le correzioni

USD 8.00/proefles
Beschikbaar 12:00 Morgen
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Arianna Giliberto.

2,419 lessen

Arianna Giliberto

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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Ho sempre amato la mia lingua, per questo l'ho sempre studiata con amore e passione! Da alcuni anni vivo in Germania: qui insegno italiano come lingua straniera ad adulti, ragazzi e bambini :)

USD 5.00/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Federica 🇮🇪.

731 lessen

Federica 🇮🇪

id verified
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Italian native speaker, degree in Foreign Languages and Literature , english and arabic, Spanish C1 My lessons are shaped according to your needs and your level. Basically we can focus on conversation, pronunciation ,vocabulary and grammar. We can choose together subjects in which you are interested such as fashion, cooking, science, movie .I can help providing material if you need. I like that you feel confortable. Le mie lezioni si adattano ai tuoi bisogni e al tuo livello. Ci possiamo concentrare sulla conversazione, pronuncia, vocabolario e grammatica. Possiamo scegliere insieme argomenti che piu- ti interessano come la moda, la cucina, scienza, film. Posso provvedere al materiale necessario alla lezione.Mi piace che tu ti senta a tuo agio.

USD 6.50/proefles
Beschikbaar 10:00 Vandaag
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Cinzia.

2,279 lessen


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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Insegnante con Master Degree e 12 anni di esperienza in scuole all'estero e in Italia I have a Master Degree in teaching Italian and the CELTA certification to teach English, so I can truly understand the differences between the two languages and I can help you avoid translation errors and recognize false friends. I consider myself fortunate to have had the chance to combine the two things I love the most - travelling and teaching and in fact I taught languages in several countries: Uk, China, Germany and now Italy. My lessons are based on conversation and I'll make sure to give you the language tools in order to speak Italian or English from day one. I love building lasting relationships with my students and being able to see them develop their language skills.

USD 20.00/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Patrizia D..

1,320 lessen

Patrizia D.

id verified
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Tutor di italiano da 4 anni. Amo conoscere nuove culture e viaggiare! Da circa 4 anni imparto lezioni d'italiano, mi piace molto includere dialoghi, frasi idiomatiche e proverbi, etimologia delle parole e la giusta quantità di grammatica per imparare una nuova lingua. Sono molto flessibile e paziente!

USD 5.00/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Armin.

3,448 lessen


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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Italiaans
Perzisch (Farsi)

Certified TOEFL trainer, PhD in English Literature, essay writer for a living As an autodidactic polyglot, I am pretty familiar with challenges and tricks of learning languages and I help students overcome and master them. I have been teaching in different schools in several countries to students of different ages and levels. I am currently a teacher in a junior-high school in Italy. I have had classes for IELTS & TOEFL preparations, business courses, general English for children and adults and also conversation classes. During my BA degree in Italy, I obtained extensive training on teaching methods and strategies that next to my long years of practical experience, it makes me a versatile teacher with robust classes that are both friendly and resourceful.

USD 10.00/proefles
Beschikbaar 13:45 Vandaag
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Alexander.

10.6k lessen


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SPEAKS :Italiaans

In addition to having CAE (Cambridge Advanced English) and TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certificates, I have been teaching English and Italian online since 2017 and have gained a great deal of experience. Moreover, I have experience teaching English here in Sicily privately and from time to time I work as a translator. Oltre ad avere i certificati CAE (Cambridge Advanced English) e TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language), ho acquisito molta esperienza insegnando Inglese e Italiano online dal 2017 fino ad oggi. Inoltre, ho esperienza come insegnante privato qui in Sicilia e ogni tanto lavoro come traduttore.

USD 8.00/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Graziana Filomeno.

4,779 lessen

Graziana Filomeno

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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Founder & Content Creator of LearnAmo, the biggest Italian school in the world 🇮🇹 Essendo laureata in Comunicazione Linguistica e Interculturale all'Università di Bari conosco benissimo la difficoltà che uno studente può riscontrare nell'approcciarsi a una nuova lingua. Io stessa, nel mio viaggio di apprendimento dell'inglese, tedesco e francese, ho incontrato svariati problemi. Ma sono profondamente convinta che con le giuste strategie e metodi non esistano ostacoli insormontabili! Preparerò ogni lezione in base alle esigenze dei miei studenti (grammatica, conversazione, pronuncia, vocabolario, ecc.) cercando di colmare qualsiasi possibile debolezza e consolidando gli aspetti già ben sviluppati.

USD 77.00/proefles
Beschikbaar 13:45 Vandaag
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Chiara - Sos Italian.

3,694 lessen

Chiara - Sos Italian

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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Cils and Celi preparation; Structured general Italian lessons; Friendly, supportive and prepared. I've experience in teaching both English and Italian. I've taught children, teenagers and adults in person for a couple of years in both private and public schools. From 2015 I only teach online. I've taught Italian successfully to people of different nationalities Spanish, English, French, German, Japanese, Russian, etc, and I know quite well the difficulties you might face when learning Italian, so I'm here to help you overcome them.

USD 8.00/proefles
Beschikbaar 14:30 Vandaag
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Sabrina.

925 lessen


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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Italiaans

I have been teaching languages since the age of 19 and have a lot of experience dealing with different types of people. I do have a lot of material prepared and I make it available to my students via email, Skype and WhatsApp. I am very organized, but the three decades of teaching experience allows me to 'go with the flow' if needs be.

USD 10.00/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Marina De Sario.

304 lessen

Marina De Sario

id verified
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Sono un'insegnante incoraggiante e paziente, capace di trasmettere le proprie conoscenze con entusiasmo e impegno. I'm an encouraging and patient teacher who transmits her knowledge with enthusiasm and commitment.

USD 5.00/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Conner.

1,199 lessen


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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Speak Fluently! Passionate Teacher with Years of Experience. Parliamo! My academic background and work as a linguist greatly influence how I approach teaching. I understand the language learning process and the best way to approach each student's learning style. My experience as a researcher has helped me understand the dynamics underlying language and how it is learned. I am invested in my students' learning–their success is my motivation in teaching the best lessons possible.

USD 10.00/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Laura T.

15.9k lessen

Laura T

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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Italiaans

I have taught for many years Italian in secondary schools and I have experience of teaching to groups of foreign students (both teenagers and adults). Trough all theese activities I have organized the course material that includes various topics and is divided into different levels of difficulty.

USD 5.00/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Erica Ghirardelli.

894 lessen

Erica Ghirardelli

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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Italian certified native teacher/Profe de Italiano nativa certificada - MA in Linguistics I am a passionate teacher, I trust my students and when preparing a class I always try to focus on them, on their interests and goals. I think to student and teacher as a team with a common goal: being able to use the target language to communicate with native speakers in real life situations. My teaching approach highly values strategies to enhance learning motivation. I like reading and discovering what's happening in the World and in my country, so I am always looking for authentic materials to bring to class. I'm also interested in history, psichology, anthropology and literature and I try to share what I find interesting with my students.

USD 5.00/proefles
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Veelgestelde vragen over leraren Italiaans

Een online leraar Italiaans is iemand die je zal begeleiden bij het leren van de taal op de best mogelijke manier, door een studiemethode te structureren die bij jou en je behoeften past. Hij of zij begint met het bepalen van je taalniveau en stelt vervolgens het beste leertraject voor dat je naar het gewenste niveau van lezen, luisteren, schrijven en spreken van de Italiaanse taal zal brengen.

Om de meest geschikte privéleraar Italiaans voor jou te vinden, kun je verschillende methoden gebruiken: van mond-tot-mondreclame tot het zoeken op gespecialiseerde websites, waar je de ervaringen van verschillende docenten kunt vergelijken. Het laatste wordt het meest aanbevolen, omdat je de meningen van verschillende studenten kunt vergelijken en echte – en nuttige – feedback kunt verzamelen om de beste leraar voor jou te kiezen. Onder al deze methoden is italki de beste manier om de meest geschikte leraar Italiaans voor jou te vinden. italki biedt een grote database van online professionals die je in staat stelt om:

– De taal die je liefhebt te leren met maximale flexibiliteit;

– De kosten van je lessen te kiezen;

– Vele leraren te testen voordat je de online leraar vindt die bij jou past;

– De tijden en ritmes van je leertraject te bepalen en te studeren waar en hoe je wilt.

Een online Italiaanse les kan verschillende lengtes hebben. Een les duurt gemiddeld een uur: de standaardtijd die nodig is om met je online leraar Italiaans nieuwe of al verworven concepten te leren en te herhalen. In situaties die een intensievere voorbereiding vereisen, zoals de voorbereiding op taalcertificeringen of een belangrijk examen, kunnen meer lessen nodig zijn – zonder echter ooit de uurgrens te overschrijden. Niet langer, want je geheugen en aandacht zouden eronder kunnen lijden en je zou niets kunnen onthouden.

De beste online cursus Italiaans is op italki: een interactieve en boeiende leermethode die rekening houdt met je tijd- en kosteneisen, en je de online leraar Italiaans biedt die begrijpt welke studiemethode het beste bij jou past.

We kunnen zeggen dat de keuze van de leraar aan wie je je online lessen Italiaans toevertrouwt, het resultaat is van een reeks variabelen: kosten, tijd, gemak en competentie van de Italiaanse leraar die je kiest.

Een online cursus Italiaans kan gemiddeld van 1 euro tot 60 euro per uur kosten, afhankelijk van wat je zoekt en de online Italiaanse leraar aan wie je je toevertrouwt. De kosten kunnen variëren op basis van verschillende factoren: de ervaring van je leraar, de tijd die je aan studie kunt besteden, het niveau dat je wilt bereiken en je beginniveau.

Klaar om Italiaans te leren? Boek vandaag nog een proefles met een van onze deskundige Italiaanse tutors en zet de eerste stap naar vloeiendheid.