What should foreigner absolutely not to do when you visiting your country? I live in Myanmar. Burmese people extremely appreciate of their culture especially religious things. So when you come to our country, you should beware of religious region, like pogoda or monestry. You must took off your shoes as well shocks when you enter the compound of this region. This is the special rules of our country. You also should respect of elder person and have extra respect on monks. Burmese people are familer and warm but they don’t like paying money to them for help.It mean you make an affront to their dignity. If you should render a translator because the local people are poor in education so you should’t expect them to point way or something els. Above things I write are just a basic . You shouldn’t visit to our country in this moment cos Many crimes and political cases was happening till . After that you should visit our country , there are many beautiful and wonferful things .
2 nov. 2021 08:07