about Italki

Can you tell me how much time do you spend in italki ? and do you realy find partners to practice your learning language?

10 okt. 2015 17:25
Opmerkingen · 11

I dont spend much time here..But I would like to.
I like this web-site.
Its very useful for all the learners :) 

20 oktober 2015

Recently I was a little busy and spent more time on group chatting, and italki helped me to join this group. But I still have not found language partners

20 oktober 2015

I spend a lot of time here. I have found a lot very pleasant people, but I have not found language partner for speaking because I need English native speakers. They are very busy.

20 oktober 2015

I have only been a member of italki for 8 days and have 4 language partners that I talk to on Skype. Even though I do not know much of my target language they have all been very helpful and each one has taught me a little.

10 oktober 2015

I joined this site to learn french and English, I found some people, but I never tried to practice so I don't know how is my level??!

but I think it's so bad :(

10 oktober 2015
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