Scottish Language

I always thought that the Native  language in Scotland is English with some simple differences  until I found out that  'Gaelic' is the spoken language by Scots. 

Actually, I love Scotland and it's history which I know little about but sometimes I read about its kings and castles .

WillIam Wallace the legendary hero and its people who are well_known  of their position in supporting the Palestinian case.I wish to  visit Scotland one day .

2 apr. 2017 21:20
Opmerkingen · 7

KP, what not to like? :)) The movie is a masterpiece, the soundtrack melts the heart,

and knowing what Edward the Longshanks did, of course naturally we would  love

William Wallace :D Personally I love bagpipe music very much; it also reminds me

of my country. Scotland has amazing landscapes and castles, which makes it just

the perfect country to visit :) Irish and Scottish Celtic music is also so beautiful.

I used BraveHeart soundtrack as my cell phone ringtone for years :')

Scottish accent isn't easy to understand, yet it's like music to my ears, and I have the

same feeling about Ireland and the Irish accent. Also the Scottish kilt is so elegant :D

I think I understand why Nada loves the movie and the country :)


3 april 2017
Nada, why is Scotland so popular among Arabs?

Once I saw how  Mumtaz and another woman from Jordan exhcnaged figure s of how many times they watched Braveheart. And some young guy form Saudi Arabia wrote something impressive about that film.

Yes, there is Scottish Gaelic, somewhat close to Irish (till some moment they shared the same literary language) and there were other languages in past. Despite its northern location, several ethnicities inhabited it in past and several languages were spoken there.

Here in Russia Scotland is also famous for its music (different kinds of it).... Ok, only bagpipes are 'famous', and rarely listened to:)

But there are many fans of Scottish folk music. And of course Robert Burns, who was translated into Russian in a very appealing way and is much beloved here.

2 april 2017

Well, they do speak English in Scotland. Scots Gaelic is an indigenous language that not many people speak.

The population of Scotland is around 5 million. Just over 50000 speak Scots Gaelic (i.e. around 1% of the population speak it. And all of them will also know English.)

2 april 2017
Very few people in Scotland actually speak Gaelic, despite it being promoted by the Scottish Government. Most people speak English with  a few regional variations in their vocabulary and grammar. There is a Scots language which is also promoted (not as much as Gaelic). Most older people were taught at school to speak 'properly' using standard English rather than Scots variants but that has changed in recent decades as it has become much more common to accept regional accents and language varieties.
3 april 2017

Awe Mumtaz we like the same things.

I know nothing about haggis[emoji] Drew Mcclure but I will read about it.

K P ,there is  a prominent reason for loving Scotland,  Braveheart  film was shown in Arab world in    a period that there were no Satellite channels , so most people had watched it and knwe Scotland through this story.

3 april 2017
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