How accurately can you pronounce the pronunciation of your country word by hangul?

 How about using Hangul as a foreign language pronunciation symbol?

1.어디 국가 출신입니까

2.한글로 당신의 언어 발음을 적을 수 있나요?

3.한글이 외국어의 발음을 적는데 적합할까요.물론 없어진 몇몇 발음을 되 살려야 하고 .각 언어에 맞게 수정을 해야 한다는 가정입니다.

4. 한글로 다른 외국어나 당신의 언어를 표기했을때 .더 외우기 쉬운 경험을 하신적 있나요?

 저도 영어 공부 할때 한글 발음을 적어서 암기하면. 확실히 좋다는 점을 느끼고 있어요.

22 mrt. 2019 13:50
Opmerkingen · 3

f.z.r.l 발음은 개화기 영어처럼 사라진 문자 되 살리면 안될까요.

글고 인도네시아 찌아찌아족 도입된 한글 보니까.

한글자에 2가지 발음...ㅂ 밑에 o  옆에 ㅏ...그래서 .....봐아....가 한음절로 발음되게 적더군요.

영어 사전 IPA를 보다가 읽긴 읽는데 .계속 모호함이 있어요.

외국 사전에서 발음 들어보면 사전마다 다 달라요. 발음이.ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ.

발음 안되는 F .Z.. 예를 좀 들어 주세요.

검색하다가 보니까 미국애가 한글 배우고 이도인이랑 대화 했는데...인도 발음을 영어보다 한글로 표기 했을때 발음이 훨씬 근접했다는

글을 봤음..로만 알파벳으로 부족하다면서.

22 maart 2019
I'm a native Korean speaker. I've learned Chinese, English, Japanese so far. What I find Hangul useful is that it is very easy to distinguish between each syllables. It is easy to express long words into brief letters. I think this is why you find it easy to use hangul.
However, there are also limitations to hangul. Hangul does not have f which is very common in foreign languages. we make it sound like ㅃ, or some times ㅍ. Sometimes I hear other people's name written in Korean, I have to double think whether it is f or p. There are also some minor problems like catching the difference between R and L, or expressing Japanese Z. It is understandable because every languages have different pronunciation. But not having F could be a little problem.
22 maart 2019
I'm a native Korean speaker. I've learned Chinese, English, Japanese so far. What I find Hangul useful is that it is very easy to distinguish between each syllables. It is easy to express long words into brief letters. I think this is why you find it easy to use hangul.
However, there are also limitations to hangul. Hangul does not have f which is very common in foreign languages. we make it sound like ㅃ, or some times ㅍ. Sometimes I hear other people's name written in Korean, I have to double think whether it is f or p. There are also some minor problems like catching the difference between R and L, or expressing Japanese Z. It is understandable because every languages have different pronunciation. But not having F could be a little problem.
22 maart 2019