What made you smile today? When my husband came home from a long day in college we shared a pizza together. That made me smile. Plus I talked to my mother on the phone. That also made me smile! 
10 apr. 2019 21:57
Opmerkingen · 19
I saw that you had 4 upvotes for your discussion... that made me smile...
10 april 2019
I wrote several posts in Japanese on this website yesterday. Today, I received a comment from a kind Japanese lady saying that she had me mistaken for a native speaker of Japanese when reading my posts. This comment just made my day! :)
10 april 2019
Looking to my daugther  s little face  smiling 😍
10 april 2019
My loyal student just sent me a lesson request and he'll be having his 12th lesson with me soon. It makes my day when a loyal student returns/books a class again
11 april 2019

My boss made mistake :))!

11 april 2019
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