必须知道的中国历史故事 must be known some china history story

必须知道的中国历史故事  must be known some china history story

4 mrt. 2012 01:06
Opmerkingen · 3

My  dear friend,do you know people in china can t enter facebook and yahool.When i came here i feel very slowly.Sometime i can t enter here. We always use qq to chat.It like  skype.My qq number is 653998056 if you want toadd me .我亲爱的朋友,你知道吗?住在中国的人无法登陆facebook和yahool,当我登陆italki时感觉非常慢,有时我无法登陆,我们一直用的是qq聊天,如果你想加我的话我的qq号码是653998056

5 maart 2012

i  like four most beautiful women in ancient China 's stories,我喜欢中国古代四大美女的故事 they are XISHI /WANGZHAOJUN/DIAOCHAN/YANGYUHUAN,她们是西施、王昭君、貂蝉、杨玉环,i like their brave and smart.我喜欢他们的的勇敢和智慧,Their stories beknown to everyone of china,她们的故事家喻户晓


5 maart 2012

Need to know Chinese historical stories/lessons.


I agree most heartedly.  There are so many and can't decide which is the best.  However, I think the story of Empress Wu is the most fascinating.  From nothingness to the highest position of the land.

4 maart 2012