Matthew Callus
Looking for people who are new to learning Chinese.

I'm looking for people who haven't learnt Chinese yet (or know very very little) but want to start. I myself have been learning Chinese for about 4 years and want to try to teach other people (with help from many of my Chinese friends).


Using my own experience, I'm writing a step by step course for beginners to follow. I know it works because I am testing it on my friends and family.


If you are interested you can take a look at it at


And if you are Chinese or have a higher level of Chinese already, you may still find the forum there helpful (helpful community).

9 mei 2012 13:05
Opmerkingen · 4

Hey Matthew right now I have about 5 or so Chinese learners who come to my online study group UK time 9pm. How about teaching your course there, interested? We also have Chinese people who volunteer to help so you could have their assistance


Naturally, China time there are more Chinese people who come to learn English so you could also practice your Chinese in the mean time :P

Read More about it:


11 mei 2012

Oh, that's a good idea. I saw some chapters in your blog. Yeah. I shoud say you must be a good teacher. For example, in lesson 2 Beijing & Shanghai, you use associative memory method  to let learner know more place words. Even though I'm a native Chinese speaker, I find it's interesting. hehe I also agree with you on the point that explaining mistakes is more important than just correction. Good luck!  

10 mei 2012

Hanru, it's good to get such a comment from a Chinese person.


I have done 15 lessons so far, and am adding them at about 3-5 a week (but can always add more if necessary).


If you are Chinese or not a beginner to Chinese, I still recommend you join the forum. We help each other out there, similiar to the corrections people make here, but we actually focus on explaining mistakes, giving examples, etc. so that we can learn what was wrong.

10 mei 2012

哈哈 学中文的人有有福音了 It's really helpful to those Chinese learners. :)

9 mei 2012