Jenny 家珍


我有个朋友, 是美国人, 刚开始学中文, 他很喜欢下棋, 我的围棋和象棋都下得不好, 我想邀请喜欢下象棋又想练习英文的朋友, 加入我和我的朋友的skype对话练习。

如果你喜欢下中国象棋又要练习英文,欢迎你写讯息给我, 我们交个朋友。


Jenny 家珍

19 sep. 2014 06:34
Opmerkingen · 6

Bonjour Jenny,


Je t'ai mis dans ma liste d'amis :)


Actually I train to speak English and it takes all my free time to learn this language.

After that (maybe next year) i would improve my Chinese speaking (I left China when i was 8, so i have the vocabulary of a 8 years old child :p), anyway it would be a pleasure in the future to speak with you in Chinese :)

19 september 2014

Albert, Thanks for your explanation. I've sent you a friend request. Ma sœur parle français. Je parle francais un petit peu. I can help you practice Chinese!

我会写繁体字和简体字 ,因为有些朋友才刚开始学中文, 还看不懂繁体字, 我其实应该两种字体都要写的,我待会儿补上。我會寫繁體字和簡體字, 因為有些朋友才剛開始學中文, 還看不懂繁體字, 我其實應該兩種字體都寫的, 我等一下补上。

Jmat, 我也加你为朋友, 你可以和我们一起下棋,  我可以教你下象棋, 我也会下西式的棋, 但是都下的不好, 我会和你练习中文!


Petrelbear, Great! You can join us! My friend is a good chess player. I'll add you on my skype. Talk to you soon!












19 september 2014

I was good at Chinese chess but sedom play it now.

I know how to play it and the lots of story about it, and maybe I get a above average level.  

You can introduce me to you friend if you like to. 

19 september 2014

我喜欢下棋, 但是我还没有打中式的棋。西式的棋和中式的差很多。

对了, 昨天人在这里关于西式得起聊天:

我西式的棋下得不好, 但是中式我不会! 我跟别的人高兴地下中式或者西式的棋, 而且我得练汉语, 可是我先得学怎么下中式的棋。

19 september 2014

Hi everybody,

Rajesh, you should know the another name for Taiwan is Republic Of China (ROC), do not confuse with the Big China (People's Republic of China).

Jenny, what is strange is that you wrote in simplified chinese character :p

Anyway, i don't speak very well chinese, but i surprised myself to be able to read all the characters you wrote.

19 september 2014
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