"i wait for your call" بالعربية


J'attends ton appel

انتطر نداءك
Is it correct?

and are there others ways to say it aswell?
and how would you say ?



21 okt. 2014 18:32
Opmerkingen · 2

أنتظر إتصالك

أنتظر مكالمتك



"أنتظر ندائك"

is good though but it could refer to calling without phone.

22 oktober 2014

أنا أنتظر مكالمتك:

Ana antthir mukalmtak.

21 oktober 2014
Arabisch, Chinees (Mandarijn), Engels, Duits, Hebreeuws, Spaans, Thai, Vietnamees
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Arabisch, Chinees (Mandarijn), Engels, Duits, Hebreeuws, Spaans, Vietnamees