Ahmed Galal
How long enough to perfect the English language?
23 okt. 2014 04:25
Opmerkingen · 3

Same with the above comments: Your English will never be 'perfect'.  My English will never be 'perfect' and I'm a native speaker who scored an almost 'perfect' score on the verbal section of the GRE (for graduate school). English is a very complex language, with many different varieties and dialects (from British English to Indian English to New Yorker English to Jamacian English to...you get the point).  No one can master all of them.

The best thing you can do is define your goals: what do you want to be able to understand and produce, and with what depth? Try to break down your goals (e.g. "I want to be able to program in English within six months" or "I want to be able to read and understand a news article from the New York Times by January"), and work towards them one at a time.

English grammar and vocabulary can be a bit complicated - we borrow from German, Old English, Latin, and French among other languages - and thus there are a lot of irregular words and verb conjugations.  Mastering the basics of English vocabulary and grammar should take about two years *if you are working at it every day*, and more time if you just spend a couple of hours a week. 

23 oktober 2014
This story might answer your question: "How Fast Can I Learn?" A martial arts student went to a teacher and declared he wanted to learn the system, he was devoted and ready. How long would it take? The teacher replied: “Ten years.” The student, a bit impatient and not satisfied with the answer went ahead and said: But I want to master it faster than that, I will work every hard, practice 10 or more hours a day if necessary. How long would it THEN take? The teacher replied: “Twenty years.” http://thoughtcatalog.com/claudia-azula-altucher/2013/04/8-zen-master-stories-that-illustrate-important-truths/
23 oktober 2014
Becoming perfect at a language is almost possible! Even native speakers make mistakes all the time ! Just enjoy the journey i would say (:
23 oktober 2014