Arabic dialects in popular culture

I'm trying to learn Arabic dialects by using songs and movies as materials but I need help from people who can explain the meaning of expressions and non-fus7a words.

23 okt. 2014 05:51
Opmerkingen · 3

It's exactly as Shema told you; write your question in the (Answers) section and in a short time you will get the answer you need. Arabic posts in italki aren't so many and you would probably get your answers faster than in any other language like English. You could also find yourself a language partner who wants to study your native language and would teach you Arabic and meet via Skype. It's either you write a notebook entry like this one asking for a language partner OR you could easily check " language partners" under "community" in the home page. Choose someone who speaks your language and his/her native language is Arabic, when you find the suitable one, you better check their profiles first to see what they are looking for, and if they are interested send a message to ask if they would like to be a language partner with you. Good luck.

23 oktober 2014

Just bring any expression or non-fus7a word here and I ams sure we can help.

23 oktober 2014

i can help u

17 november 2014