What is the salary range for teachers in Germany and Austria, or other countries?

In United States High School Teacher salary- $46,370

Elementary School Teacher - $42,242

Middle School Teacher - $43,219

Secondary School Teacher - $42,259



25 nov. 2014 10:21
Opmerkingen · 7

I read an article to answer you:


In Portugal, at beginner of carrier, a professor of public education annually receives 21,261 euros. Already a teacher at the top of the career earns 43,285 euros. All amounts to the 2009/10 academic year and can be found in the study Teachers and school Heads Salaries and Allowances in Europe, 2009/10, Eurydice on the internet page, the statistics agency of the EU education that evaluates and compares the salaries of teachers and school principals across countries.


According to this document, in Germany the annual salary of teachers varies between 38 000 and 51 000, for the primary, and between 45 000 and 63 000 for the secondary. In Spain, a teacher of the 1st cycle receives between 29 000 and EUR 40 000, and a secondary school teacher earns between 35 000 and 49 000 per year. France does not have major differences. A primary school teacher receives between 22 000 and 44 000 and a secondary education can reach 46,000 euros on top of the career. Luxembourg pay more for their staff: a minimum of 63 000 per year for teachers of the first cycle, which in the career end can receive EUR 112 000. A colleague of secondary education begins by earning 72,000 euros a year and those in late receives EUR 125 000 career. Much less win the Bulgarian teachers per year take home between 6700 and 10 900 euros. Models of teacher evaluation and career development differ between countries


You can check here a page I also found from 2004 in Euros: http://www.apagina.pt/?aba=7&cat=160&doc=11851

30 november 2014

Zubair I don't agree with you because the course and the years they studied it's different, a teacher of primary school it's different than a university teacher. I give you a example: I had a teacher of mathematics but she is graduate in civil engineer but because of that she had the righ to teach the 5th, 6th and 7th year :)

30 november 2014


http://www.zeit.de/wirtschaft/2014-10/lehrer-gehalt-vergleich (see graph) OECD SChnitt is the mean

5 december 2014

I don't know the answer to your question, but I suppose it will be difficult to answer based on what a salary actually is. In other words, teachers in the US don't work all year and they have many benefits like pensions and health care. I've read that most teachers receive somewhere from 80% - 90% of their highest salary until they die, once they retire. Teachers can retire here at 55.  I guess you would need to compare exactly what is required of teachers in other countries and their benefits vs what teachers get in the US.  

30 november 2014
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