[Gedeactiveerde gebruiker]
大家好, 我學緊廣東話! 我叫Flora, 我學緊廣東話! 我係英國人, 黎自英國. 我都有學普通話, 我既普通話好過廣東話.
30 nov. 2012 21:33
Correcties · 20

大家好, 我學緊廣東話! 

我叫Flora, 我學緊廣東話! 我係英國人, 來1自英國. 我都有學普通話, 我既2普通話講得好過我粵語 3廣東話.


1.嚟 is Cantonese and 來 is Mandarin.  However, this is standard term and so it will sound funny in Cantonese if you use the Cantonese word.  Actually this sentence is redundant.  You can omit it.


2. 既 is [1] as well as; both
[2] since; now that; as
[3] already; de facto
<a class="charmissinglink" title="Unknown character" href="http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/dictionary/characters/2180/">旣</a>.  is Cantonese for 的


3.  Like in English, using the same term all the time is boring.


Here's a link to learn Cantonese, which I rely mostly as the reference.  Their forums are great and informative.


<a href="http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/list.php?14">http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/list.php?14</a>;

7 december 2012

大家好, 我學緊廣東話!

我叫Flora, 我學緊廣東話! 我係英國人, 黎自英國. 我都有學普通話, 我既普通話好過廣東話.


Hello! 我叫Flora, 我係英國人。 我呢家學緊廣東話,有時我會學下普通話。 我覺得我既廣東話,比普通話好。

I hope I can help you by correcting your sentences 


8 december 2012

大家好, 我學緊廣東話!

我叫Flora, 我學緊廣東話! 我係英國人, 黎自英國. 我都有學普通話, 我普通話好過廣東話.

31 oktober 2014

大家好, 我學緊廣東話!

我叫Flora, 我學緊廣東話! 我係英國人, 黎自英國. 我都有學普通話, 我既普通話好過廣東話.


大家好, 我叫Flora, 係英國人 

我學緊廣東話同普通話, 但我既普通話好過廣東話.

18 oktober 2014
9 oktober 2014
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