Drinking Alone Under the Moon——月下独酌 This Tang poetry, one of my favoritets, Drinking Alone Under the Moon is the great poet Li Po's poem. This poem perfectly described the author's mind, no one close to him at that night. Poetry shows poet's gloom in his heart, hence he took moom and his shadow as friends. Poet used rich imagination showing a complex emotions. It literally expressed the poet can really enjoy life, although in fact he had unlimited loneliness. The poem is fine and smooth and full of strange ideas, reflects his talent, aloof and proud, in a disappointment situation still broad-minded optimistic, seeming abandon and uninhibited character. 花间一壶酒,I and a pot of wine, among the flowers, 独酌无相亲。I drink alone, for no friends close to me. 举杯邀明月,Raising my cup, I asked the bright moon to have a drink with me, 对影成三人。She(the moon), my shadow and me make three drinking people. 月既不解饮,Alas, it is to be regretted that the moon is unable to drink, 影徒随我身。And my shadow tagged me vacantly. 暂伴月将影,But still for a while I have these friends, 行乐须及春。I should be to enjoy life in the beautiful spring scenery. 我歌月徘徊,I recite the poem, the moon with me, 我舞影零乱。I'm dancing, shadow whirling about with me. 醒时同交欢,Pursue pleasure while I am awake, 醉后各分散。When drunken I reel, our companionship ends. 永结无情游,But we’ll soon have a greeting without a goodbye, 相期邈云汉。At our next merry meeting away in the sky.
19 mei 2013 16:36
Correcties · 10

Drinking Alone Under the Moon——月下独酌

花间一壶酒,I and a pot of wine, among the flowers, One pot of wine among the flowers,
独酌无相亲。I drink alone, for no friends close to me. Alone, I drink alone with no one whom I care for.
举杯邀明月,Raising my cup, I asked the bright moon to have a drink with me,  I raised my cup to the brilliant moon,
对影成三人。She(the moon), my shadow and me make three drinking people. With thee, my shadow and I, three drinking companions.
月既不解饮,Alas, it is to be regretted that the moon is unable to drink, Alas, you understand not of drinking ways,
影徒随我身。And my shadow tagged me vacantly. And my shadow can only follow me.
暂伴月将影,But still for a while [excellent]I have these friends, Still thy presence and shadow, I dost request,
行乐须及春。I should be to enjoy life in the beautiful spring scenery. To enjoy this night of spring.
我歌月徘徊,I recite the poem, the moon with me, Dithering here and there, I sing/recite to thee,
我舞影零乱。I'm dancing, shadow whirling about with me. As my shadow dances haphazedly.
醒时同交欢,Pursue pleasure while I am awake, Awakened from my stupor, more pleasures I pursue.
醉后各分散。When drunken I reel, our companionship ends. Only in drunkeness do we part and say goodbye.
永结无情游,But we’ll soon have a greeting without a goodbye, Eternal friendship but fated not to be enjoyed together.
相期邈云汉。At our next merry meeting away in the sky. Perhaps, amongst the remote clouds we shall meet.

Your translation of the poet's thoughts is very clear but the language used, is not refined enough at a poetic level.  Translation of poetry is very difficult, it must satisfy both the original intent and the constraints of the target language. I am sure with time passes, your learning and hard work will pay off.  All in all, you have done well.  By trying to put your toe into the water, it is the first step to success.  If you have any question, please do not hesitate. :)

20 mei 2013

Drinking Alone Under the Moon——月下独酌


This Tang poetry poem [poem is 詩, poetry is something like "詩学".  You can also write as "this piece of Tang poetry"] , is one of my favourites.  favoritets, <em>Drinking Alone Under the Moon</em> is from the great poet Li Po's poem.

This poem perfectly describes the author's mind of no one is close to him at on that night. Poetry It shows laments the poet's gloom within his heart., Hence he took the moon and his shadow as friends drinking buddies. Poet Li Po used rich imagination showing a complex array of emotions. It literally expressed the poet can really enjoy His enjoyment of life, although in fact he had unlimited and yet the boundless loneliness experienced at the same time. The poem is fine and flows smoothly and full of strange with unique ideas, reflecting his talent, his aloofness and proud, in a at the same time, disappointment.  However, there is optimism expressed in this seemingly abandoned and uninhibited  situation still broad-minded optimistic, seeming abandon and uninhibited character of the poet.  [I am guessing your intent.  I need your original, if you have it to establish it correctly :)]

20 mei 2013
Thanks, I am the people who don't know anything could be afraid of nothing!
19 mei 2013
The terrific poem! Thank you for translation! I'm glad that you aren't afraid of translating poems. For example,I'm always afraid ) Thank you, again
19 mei 2013
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