Help with translation in English!!! :D 1.白黑分明 - 比喻是非分得清楚。 2. 白山黑水 - 长白山和黑龙江。泛指我国东北地区。 3. 白往黑来 - 比喻变化极大。 4. 白纸黑字 - 白纸上写下了黑字。比喻有确凿的文字凭据,不容抵赖或悔改。 5. 颠倒黑白 - 把黑的说成白的,白的说成黑的。比喻歪曲事实,混淆是非。 6. 粉白黛黑 - 粉白:在脸上搽粉,使脸更白;黛黑:画眉毛,使眉毛更黑。泛指女子的妆饰。 7. 风高放火,月黑杀人 - 风高:风非常大。月黑:指黑夜。趁风大放火,趁黑夜杀人。形容盗匪趁机作案的行径。 8. 黑白分明 - 比喻事非界限很清楚。也形容字迹、画面清楚。 9. 黑白混淆 - 把黑的说成白的,将白的说成黑的。比喻故意颠倒是非,制造混乱。 10. 黑灯瞎火 - 形容黑暗没有灯光。 11. 黑更半夜 - 指深夜。 12. 黑天摸地 -形容天黑得什么也看不见。 13. 黑云压城城欲摧 - 摧:毁坏。黑云密布在城的上空,好象要把城墙压塌似的。比喻恶势力一时嚣张造成的紧张局面。 14. 昏天黑地 - 形容天色昏暗 - 也比喻社会黑暗混乱。 15. 论黄数黑 - 数:数落,批评。背后乱加评论,肆意诽谤别人。
22 apr. 2014 22:47
Correcties · 2

Help with translation in English!!! :D

1.白黑分明 - 比喻是非分得清楚。

Differentiating what is black and white  - to mean what's bad and what's good.
2. 白山黑水 - 长白山和黑龙江。泛指我国东北地区。

The white mountains and the black waters - The snowy mountains and the darkness of the Black Dragon River (Heilungjian) to describe the northeastern part of China.
3. 白往黑来 - 比喻变化极大。

The white went and the black came - to mean great changes.
4. 白纸黑字 - 白纸上写下了黑字。比喻有确凿的文字凭据,不容抵赖或悔改。

White paper and black characters - same as English's "Black and white".  E.g. "You need to have it in black and white in order to stand up in the court."
5. 颠倒黑白 - 把黑的说成白的,白的说成黑的。比喻歪曲事实,混淆是非。

Inverting black and white and vice versa. Deliberate distortion of the truth
6. 粉白黛黑 - 粉白:在脸上搽粉,使脸更白;黛黑:画眉毛,使眉毛更黑。泛指女子的妆饰。

Powdered white and greenish Black.  Face powder and eyeliners - describing a pretty girl (through use of her cosmetics)
7. 风高放火,月黑杀人 - 风高:风非常大。月黑:指黑夜。趁风大放火,趁黑夜杀人。形容盗匪趁机作案的行径。

When the wind is high, set fire.  When the moon is dark, kill a person.  "Moon black" means a moonless night so that it is dark enough to use as a cover.  A great opportunity to do evil deeds.
8. 黑白分明 - 比喻事非界限很清楚。也形容字迹、画面清楚。 This one is more frequently used than #1.  Traditionally, darkness comes first.  This is from the Toaist philosophy.  From Chaos, comes light.  For example, we still have vestigial Chinese matriachial superiority in 陰陽 (Ying-Yang), 雌雄.  Confucianism came and changed all that. The order of these words are changed in Japanese!
9. 黑白混淆 - 把黑的说成白的,将白的说成黑的。比喻故意颠倒是非,制造混乱。

Obscuring what is black and white.  Same as #5
10. 黑灯瞎火 - 形容黑暗没有灯光。

Black lantern and blind fire - Total darkness.
11. 黑更半夜 - 指深夜。

Late hour and midnight - Literally black hour half night.  Here 更 means is one of the 5 periods of the night, each approximately equivalent to two hours.  In ancient China, there are officially paid night watchmen to go around the neighbourhood striking the bamboo and the gong to tell the time of the night.  The number of strikes on the bamboo and gong tells the hour.  This is called 打更.  
12. 黑天摸地 -形容天黑得什么也看不见。

To feel the ground in the night. Literally black day touch ground. So dark that one has to feel the ground in order to proceed (One never knows if there is a hole further up the road).  Compare this to 投石問路, throw a pebble to ask the way.
13. 黑云压城城欲摧 - 摧:毁坏。黑云密布在城的上空,好象要把城墙压塌似的。比喻恶势力一时嚣张造成的紧张局面。

Black clouds oppressing against the city and its walls will crumple, 摧 actually means destroy but not effective in the English translation. Describes the tense moments of some crisis.  Just like the current Ukraine situation.  This line comes from a Tang poem describing the events at a fortress.
14. 昏天黑地 - 形容天色昏暗 - 也比喻社会黑暗混乱。

The darkening sky. Literally darkening sky black ground/earth.  Describing the approach of night.  It can also mean the time for underground society to congregate, to begin their activities.
15. 论黄数黑 - 数:数落,批评。背后乱加评论,肆意诽谤别人。

Discuss the yellow and count the black.  Yellow is the orthodox color, like the imperial yellow.  So it means the good.  Here the expression means to defame, criticize or spread rumours behind one's back.

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