Is it OK to kill animal for food? Is it OK to kill animal for food? This question makes me confused. It’s too hard to answer clearly. Killing animal for food is fine in biological. Although, vegetarians still have good health even they don’t eat meat. But we need all of nutrients to have the best health,include protein in meat from animals. Otherwise, killing animal for food is total wrong in moral. Animals also have emotion, have brain,…They just isn’t as smart as human. Why do we kill animal for our own demand? Furthermore, it’s not necessary. We can still live well without meat like vegetarians. Human also is animal. Can you suffer another human kill but you can’t do anything to save yourself? Absolutely, your answer is no. So, why? Why do you give yourself a privilege to kill other animal? In conclusion, each person has her/his own opinion to answer this difficult question.
22 aug. 2014 08:23