翻译!! 大家好! 有这个短的课文我要翻译成中文. 课文的原来语言是意大利语, 但由于英语是最普及的语言, 我用英语写. Text: if China is the land of tea, Italy is the land of wine. Since ancient times the people who lived in the Italian peninsula drank wine, then, after the discovery of America, coffee arrived and spread all over Europe, but maybe only in Italy and Greece became the true national drink. If, for a Chinese person, a day can not pass without a warm cup of tea, for Italians, waking up, the first thought is to put a coffeepot on the stove. The sound of coffee, its fragrance, its color and finally its intense taste, sometimes sweetened by a bit of sugar, mark the passage between the world of dreams and that of reality. During the day, coffee, like tea in China, is always a moment for a break in company, the best way to share a thought with a friend. 翻译: 如果中国是茶的国, 那意大利是酒的. 自古以来, 住在意大利半岛的人们喝酒了, 后来, 美洲的发现后, 咖啡到了与在全欧洲普及了, 但是可能只在意大利和希腊成为了真的国的饮料. 要是对一个中国人一天没有一杯热茶不会经过, 对意大利人, 起床时, 第一思想是放在炉上一只咖啡壶. 咖啡的音, 馨香, 颜色和终于它浓的味道, 有时侯被一点糖甜花了, 画过渡中梦境和实在. 白天, 咖啡, 跟茶在中国一样, 总是是一个顿在一起的时候, 最好的方式为为跟一个朋友共个思想.
2 sep. 2014 14:32
Correcties · 5

根据我的语感来一遍就是如下效果∩w∩ 也许会有点奇怪

     如果说中国是茶的国家, 那么意大利就是酒的国家。

     自古以来,意大利半岛的人们就早已饮酒,后来在发现美洲大陆之后, 咖啡到达全欧洲进行普及, 但可能只是在意大利和希腊成为了真正的国家饮料。

     如果对一个中国人来说,一天没有一杯热茶就不算经历这一天,那么对于意大利人来说, 起床时, 第一个想法就是把一只咖啡壶放在炉上。

     咖啡中的音乐, 馨香味, 颜色和最终它浓郁的味道以及有时侯一点点的白糖,它标记着幻梦与现实的世界的通路。 在白天, 咖啡就像茶在中国一样, 总是在公司的一个时刻打断, (原谅这句我也看不懂 英语渣QAQ)以最好的方式跟一个朋友分享。

2 september 2014


大家好! 有这个短的课文我要翻译成中文. 课文的原来语言是意大利语, 但由于英语是最普及的语言, 我用英语写.
Text: if China is the land of tea, Italy is the land of wine. Since ancient times the people who lived in the Italian peninsula drank wine, then, after the discovery of America, coffee arrived and spread all over Europe, but maybe only in Italy and Greece became the true national drink. If, for a Chinese person, a day can not pass without a warm cup of tea, for Italians, waking up, the first thought is to put a coffeepot on the stove. The sound of coffee, its fragrance, its color and finally its intense taste, sometimes sweetened by a bit of sugar, mark the passage between the world of dreams and that of reality. During the day, coffee, like tea in China, is always a moment for a break in company, the best way to share a thought with a friend.
翻译: 如果(说)中国是茶的故国, 那么意大利便是酒的故国。 自古以来,住在意大利半岛的人们就开始饮酒。 后来,美洲大陆被发现后, 咖啡便来到了这里并在欧洲各国普及开来。 但是可能只在意大利和希腊成为了真正的国民饮料。 对一个中国人来说,没有一天不是在一杯热茶的陪伴下度过的。对于意大利人来说, 起床时,(睁开眼睛) 第一件事就咖啡壶置于火炉上。咖啡的妙语, 馨香, 颜色和最终浓烈的味道。有时侯加点糖使之变甜标示着梦想与现实世界。白天, 咖啡就如同中国的茶一样, 在公司总是属于休憩时刻(的最佳饮品), 是与好朋友分享想法的最佳的方式。

2 september 2014


大家好! 有这个短的课文我要翻译成中文. 课文的原来语言是意大利语, 但由于英语是最普及的语言, 我用英语写.
Text: if China is the land of tea, Italy is the land of wine. Since ancient times the people who lived in the Italian peninsula drank wine, then, after the discovery of America, coffee arrived and spread all over Europe, but maybe only in Italy and Greece became the true national drink. If, for a Chinese person, a day can not pass without a warm cup of tea, for Italians, waking up, the first thought is to put a coffeepot on the stove. The sound of coffee, its fragrance, its color and finally its intense taste, sometimes sweetened by a bit of sugar, mark the passage between the world of dreams and that of reality. During the day, coffee, like tea in China, is always a moment for a break in company, the best way to share a thought with a friend.

翻译: 如果中国是茶的国, 那意大利是酒的. 自古以来, 住在意大利半岛的人们喝酒了, 后来, 美洲的发现后, 咖啡到了与在全欧洲普及了, 但是可能只在意大利和希腊成为了真的国的饮料. 要是对一个中国人一天没有一杯热茶不会经过, 对意大利人, 起床时, 第一思想是放在炉上一只咖啡壶. 咖啡的音, 馨香, 颜色和终于它浓的味道, 有时侯被一点糖甜了, 画过渡中梦境和实在. 白天, 咖啡, 跟茶在中国一样, 总是是一个顿在一起的时候, 最好的方式为为跟一个朋友共个思想.


Not bad for a literal translation.  Here's my translation by meaning...


如說中国是茶地的国, 那么意大利就囑於酒了. 自古以来, 意大利半岛人们以酒為先. 但当美洲被发现之后, 咖啡虽然普遍全欧洲, 只在意大利和希腊已真正成为国饮. 即如华人在一日之过, 非不可不能不有一杯热茶.而意大利人呢? 床上一起, 立刻就要想到火炉子上的咖啡被泡着. 泡声滴滴, 其香其色, 終於其/強烈/浓厚/之味, 有时被一点点的糖甜化, 就把一人之梦界与真實疆境标清.如同在中国一天之內, 咖啡以茶之代, 在公司停憩时间中, 与朋友分享思維的良时了.

2 september 2014


大家好! 有这个短的课文我要翻译成中文. 课文的原来语言是意大利语, 但由于英语是最普及的语言, 我用英语写.
Text: if China is the land of tea, Italy is the land of wine. Since ancient times the people who lived in the Italian peninsula drank wine, then, after the discovery of America, coffee arrived and spread all over Europe, but maybe only in Italy and Greece became the true national drink. If, for a Chinese person, a day can not pass without a warm cup of tea, for Italians, waking up, the first thought is to put a coffeepot on the stove. The sound of coffee, its fragrance, its color and finally its intense taste, sometimes sweetened by a bit of sugar, mark the passage between the world of dreams and that of reality. During the day, coffee, like tea in China, is always a moment for a break in company, the best way to share a thought with a friend.
翻译: 如果中国是茶的国, 那意大利是酒的. 自古以来, 住在意大利半岛的人们喝酒了, 后来, 美洲的发现后, 咖啡到了与在全欧洲普及了, 但是可能只在意大利和希腊成为了真的国的饮料. 要是对一个中国人一天没有一杯热茶不会经过, 对意大利人, 起床时, 第一思想是放在炉上一只咖啡壶. 咖啡的音, 馨香, 颜色和终于它浓的味道, 有时侯被一点糖甜花了, 画过渡中梦境和实在. 白天, 咖啡, 跟茶在中国一样, 总是是一个顿在一起的时候, 最好的方式为为跟一个朋友共个思想.





3 september 2014
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