This is a personal statement, could you tell me the grammatical mistakes My name is Jack lee, a postgraduate student majoring in stress physiological from WUR. I have paid a close attention to your information for a long time and read all of the ongoing project on the web page, finding them involve in elucidate the molecular mechanisms contributing to satble yield in barley under drought stress, in which I really interest in and wish to pursue my degree in. I major in agronomy in university and had taken lots of course in terms of agriculture like plant breeding, plant physiological, biochemistry and molecular biology biostatistics, etc. I have been working as a research assistant in institute of crop sciences, CSW, where I responsible for both the conventional breeding and molecular marker for the vernalization gene of cultivated wheat. I have a strong experimental skills in terms of plant physiological and I am also able to do some molecular biology experiment. I also proficient in analytical software including orgin, SPSS and photoshop. Additionally, I always hardworking and enthusiastic to get my job done. Consequently I won the Honor of Excellent Student of Chinese Academy of science and be elected to the president of The Postgraduate Union in Resources and Environment Science in Hebei province. I hope I would be under your consideration.
22 okt. 2014 09:42