蒙學漢文初階 第一百三十課 Beginning Chinese - Entry Level Lesson #130 兒童三人 child boy three person 約相戲搏 meet_up mutual jest combat 其一素無力 this one usually no strength 隨二人後 follow two person back 俟二人力衰 wait two person strength weak 乘機搏之 take_advantage opportunity combat them 二人俱敗 two person entirely defeated 觀者曰 observe the_one_who say 凡事皆有機 ordinarily events also every have opportunity 苟不失其事機 if_supposing not lose its matter opportunity 則弱者 then weak the_one_who 亦能勝强 also able victory strong There were three boys who had planned for a mock combat. One of them is always weak. He followed the other two and waited until their strength is weakened. Taking this opportunity, he attacked them. Both of the other boys were defeated. An observer said, "For all matters, there is always an opportunity. If the opportunity is seized upon, then even the weak will be victorious over the strong."
24 okt. 2014 05:12