Spanish Question What is the difference between 'cangrejo' and 'rezongar'? Can both be used to refer to the animal or does rezongar mean 'crabby' as in 'in a bad mood'?
24 nov. 2014 04:00
Correcties · 3

Cangrejo es el crustáceo que vive cerca o dentro del agua y Rezongar es una acción no se relaciona al animal pero se relaciona un poco a la palabra crabby sin embargo un poco diferente pues cuando estás malhumorado no siempre rezongas, así que rezongar es cuando gruñes con tu voz y obedeces de mala gana haciendo gestos al mismo tiempo.

Crab is a crustacean that lives near or in water and grumble is an action not related to the animal but is related somewhat to the word crabby but a little different because when you're in a bad mood not always rezongas so grumble is when you growl with your voice and obey reluctantly gesturing at the same time in my opinion.

24 november 2014
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